Your opinion

Ok everyone since I have my first apt with a NS this Thursday I was thinking about typing a list of symptom I have or have had. What do you guys think is this to much or is it ok. I have just been so frustrated with my neurologist and him writing me off I don't want this to happen again.

Absolutely. Write down everything. All symptoms including ones that may seem unrelated. And write down any questions you have.

I think writing a list of everything that's bothering you is a great idea. If you're anything like me, I'll know everything that I want to tell the Doctor before my appointment, but once I'm in the room with him/her my mind goes COMPLETELY blank. It's also a great idea to write down any questions or concern's you may have so you don't forget to ask.

Elisa, yes write it ALL down- write down questions next to the symptom. As soon as the appointment starts, tell the NL you have a list of questions and symptoms you want to go over with him today. That sets an expectation for the appointment.

Good luck, jenn

I agree with everyone here Elisa... write down everything that's been going on. Not only can it be helpful to your providers, but if you're having issues with memory, it can help you to remember all the symptoms as well. I had to write down all my symptoms myself so that I could remember everything that's happened with me.

I think I'll check out that myself, Nykki... might be helpful.