
Got a call today from the neurologist office associated with my neurosurgeon so basically I was told by the ns the nl office would call me in about a week to set me up…while I’m at work I get a call that I’m all set up for next Thursday…I call back asking how it was set up already and they tell me the nurse practitioner called them asking if I can be seen ASAP which meant they moved other appointments around to fit me in…

I didn’t realize that this was something I needed to do ASAP so of course I’m freaking out yet again and ppl from my work do not understand they think I’m just taking off everyday and doing nothing but I’m not I’m going to these crazy appointments where I sometimes find nothing out…

For so long I have ignored my symptoms of cm telling myself I do not have this n even if I do it’s not that bAd…I have convinced my own self that I’m fine when clearly I am not fine…at this point right now I feel overwhelmed I have to get another MRI then see the nl then go back to my ns…it’s a lot to handle sorry I needed to vent!

Please and thank you for venting. It is not good to hold that in especially when people who see us frequently or work with us tend to think there is nothing wrong because they can not see anything on the outside. When things on the inside are reeking havoc with anything that CM and SM ccan get their grubby little paws into on us, Worse is when we try to explain it , we get the look of I've never heard of that or it can be that baf cause you look so good.

Sorry for rambling on things you probably know and experience. venting is good and sometimes very necessary to keep us sane or as close as we can get to it. Venting is also part of why we are here, we share the good, the bad, the ugly and everything else. I know I have posted before onm items that have had no bearing on CM and SM.

Try not to be discouraged Michelle, the way you feel is perfectly normal and you are not alone. You may find it helpful to bring someone with you to your appointments. I know I don't remember things well, even when I take notes. I also get so emotional and anxious that my logical mind may not be working that well. My husband is helpful, but even he seems to miss things. I found that my 23 year old daughter was excellent for taking notes and understanding remembering what was said. You are on the right path. Don't let people at work get you down. Listen to the people who are supportive, don't listen to the others, they are ignorant in this situation. Make sure you find a Chiari specialist and then don't be afraid to get a second opinion from another Chiari specialist. God bless you on your journey.