Love My PCP

Had an appointment with my PCP today. He told me one of the first patients he had several years ago came in complaining of chronic headaches, he said he referred him to a NS and found out he had CM. I told him about all of the issues I have had with the neurology clinic and that I have had a headache pretty much every day for 3 years and I just want to feel better. He said he would refer me to a NS and said it may take a bit to get in but there is no sense in brushing me off like the other doctors have been doing. He said he never received a copy of my scans or the report so I gave it to him. He also said that there is a possibility that things may have gotten worse since my MRI in May. He asked me for a list of all of my symptoms and got to see me not be able to remember things first hand. I am just so happy that my PCP actually knows about CM and seemed to care more than the neurologists! Yay! Finally...things may finally get better! :)