1st NS appt today. Let's see how this goes. I am torn between hoping he will tell me this is all a big joke & hoping to get validation for what I have been feeling. Not in a very good mood right now.
Hope it goes okay...
Good luck!!!
Glad your appt went well. I am sure that makes you feel a lot better. It is very bittersweet though, you really don't want to be sick, but you want an answer "why." I also have over reactive reflexes. I find it funny because I almost kicked my NL in the groin! I feel like doing that sometimes anyway...out of frustration. Lol. If you have any questions, I am 15 wks post op.
Please let us know how the MRI goes and if you have a syrinx. That's why my reflexes were so bad.
Glad to hear you got some answers at your appt and he's doing more testing! You are so right...its' so much info to digest that you wonder what you really took in. Thankfully your husband was with you! My husband always came away from our appointments remembering ALOT more of what was said than I did! Like Nicolee said...bittersweet. As tough as the news can be to hear, it feels good to have your symptoms validated and that there is something "wrong" and you're not just a little crazy! Hang in there and let us know how the rest of your appt's and MRI results go!
XOXO Monique
Thinking about you Becky & saying a little prayer. I am glad you appt went well. I actually slapped a Dentist when he was numbing my mouth & hit a nerve in my jawl. I couldn't help it. I just back handed him.....He was shocked, and afraid the needle had broken off. Yes...leave it to me to accidentially backhanding someone that was about to use a drill....
Wow, you just seen DR Berlad. He is great, and probably one of the absolute best. My stay in Mary Wash wasn't too bad, but I do suggest that if you can, get someone to stay with you. The first night, you won't be allowed to you will be in ICU, after that yeah have someone to stay, just for your comfort. Have they said when they want to do surgery? Let me know. I am close, I will come if you want me to. No, my sister lives in Chattanooga, so I dont know her surgeon. Dr Berlad and his wife have been there with me every since I was diagnosed. If you need to talk, my number is 540 ■■■■■■■■.
Dr. Berlad's wife is his office manager, 40ish with short hair. Rita is a hoot! If you need to talk or you have questions that you want answered from a patients point of view and not a surgeon, I will do my best to answer them. It has been almost 8 years, and I have not let it stop me. I still work full time, ride motorcycles, do pretty much any thing I want. FYI do NOT say motorcycle to Dr. Berlad, Neurosurgeons do not like them at all. I guess for me I just decided I was not going to let anything pass me by. Where do you work? I live just north of F'burg, but I work in Quantico. The road that you are headed down is scary and I realize that, but you will heal. And life will get easier. I have had one (1) migraine in the last eight years and THAT is a food feeling