Two weeks post op and still feel discouraged

Did anyone else have all their neck muscle cut, and have their syrinx drained? I feel like people that can be back to life in two Weeks are amazing. I am usually one of those people. I just feel so sick of all of this, and I feel all those that,have been here to help with me and my family feel sick of it too…I just want to fake that I am better so I am not a burden anymore. Advice,please!!!

my son was 4 and it took him 4 weks to fully recover. His NS told us that asults have a much longer recovery. Hang in there! It has only been 2 weeks since you had brain surgery. it will come. we are here for you at anytime to talk out frustrations. Prayers!

I'm six days out and spent all day lying on the couch or the bed. I feel like a complete waste of space, when usually I run the family. I think we both need to just ask for help and try to get better.

I'm not in much pain, but took some Tylenol today when my headache was creeping up, and oddly enough, it not only helped the headache a bit, but made me feel a little more normal, less dizzy and light-headed.

One thing which seems tricky to me is managing the meds. Sometimes they are helpful, and sometimes they actually make me feel worse with the side effects. It is so individual, we just need to each figure it out all on our own.

Anyway, different surgery, but I'll be with you during recovery! Maybe we'll enjoy a bit of summer in the end, after all.

I had decompression also,and my head feels pretty good,just my stupid neck, that just seems to make me such a drag.

First of all YOU ARE NOT A BURDEN..... Let the people that love you take care of you. My husband has had to have 7 brain surgeries because of his ACM... and many complications.. There are days that he just wants to give up, I won't let him. He tells me that he doesn't want to be a burden. But I love him with all my heart. It is hard at times for me because I wish I could take his pain away.. I will pray for you that you will feel better soon. I sure hate to see so many have to suffer with this ACM. My husband also has type one.. Keep your head up