Soothing for Scar

Hey all,

Got my stitches out today!

All looks well with my incision.

I am down to 500 mg or none of Tylenol per day.

Had to take 500mg today because got a slight headache from stitches being taken out.

It really didn't hurt at all!


My question is: is there anything to put on the scar to soothe it?

It is still pretty red/sunburned in color at the base of my neck and Arnica doesn't help and neither does neosporin.

Should I put Vit E oil on it?

Anyone have any suggestions?

I dunno what my skin has found irritating but it's been that way since day one and the Dr says it looks great.

So, it's naught to worry about but I wouldn't mind giving it a bit of TLC.


Thank you Emmaline, Abby and Beeba!

I will try the coconut oil and cocoa butter as they seem to do well on my skin.

I am using the Arnicare gel Emmaline and it works great! Just not to soothe the scar.

I think it just takes time. And since the stitches were removed it's really getting much better.

I will leave it alone for awhile longer as Beeba suggested and then start a regimen.

All this stuff in my hair makes it greasy! Lol

That and resting so much on a pillow!