I am 6 days post op and feel pretty good. I was able to remove the bandage and wash my hair yesterday which was HUGE!!! I have dissolvable stitches and I just have a few ???s about scar care. The only instruction I was given was to apply neosporin 2x a day. Does anyone have any tips on ways to make it less painful or decrease the size? I feel like I have a mountain range in the back if my head. I know I need to be patient but thought I’d see if any if you have any tips. Thanks!
Hi, what worked best for my son was LOTS of ice packs, he was able to shower in 4 days...:)
Maderma....sold at your local pharmacy. It's a ointment type scar "remover". a bit pricey but worth it if it means making your scar look better. It will never completely go away, however I've seen Maderma work wonders on people.
Berryboys, I am so glad you are feeling well! How’d it go? I would go simple with your incision, clean, dry, hair up and away, and neo like the’ve told you. I wouldn’t put anything else on it ( like bio oil) until they say its ok.
I was told to use ice packs periodically through the day.
Nap on ice packs. That's all I did, I didn't even use anything and my scar is pretty much gone. But the hospital I had surgery at sent someone to my home twice a week and she would check the incision site. That made me feel much better. If the swelling doesn't go down soon, see if you can have it looked at to be safe. Good luck and I hope you feel better soon!