Well, day 9 post-op just came to a close, and I must say it has been amazing! I expected and hoped to feel better as time went on, but this has exceeded my expectations. I had gotten a lot done before surgery because I thought I would be napping for 2 weeks, but I haven't been able to nap even when I have tried ~ my energy level is high! I am resting, mind you, but sure not sleeping much.
There are a couple of things that resolved right away: my hands or feet have not fallen asleep or had pins and needles even once and my regular, normal voice is back. I have not had the lump in my throat feeling and I haven't had any visits from the fireflies in my vision. I have a funny story and would love to know if anyone has experienced this, ever.
A few months before my diagnosis, i was outside calling in my kitties for the night. I did my usual, loud "here kitty, kitty...!!" and my normally clear voice just crackled, disappeared at certain pitches, and just sounded like I had a very, very bad cold. I looked at my friend, puzzled and said, "Where did my here kitty, kitty go?!" And it continued like that for months. Fast forward: On the drive home, 6 days post op, i was in the car and belted out "here kitty, kitty!!" and it was crystal clear! hahahaha! Amazing what a little brain surgery can do!