Post-op troubles

I had the decompression surgery a little over three months ago. When I woke from surgery I couldnt hear in one ear and the room was spinning bad. The drs told me they couldnt explain the hearing loss and maybe it was swelling or excess fluid. I have seen their head hearing dr three times and she says they damaged the nerve on my brain stem that controls hearing and balance. This explains why my vertigo is still awful and my hearing loss. I recently had a follow up appt with the neuro surgeon and he disagrees with her diagnosis and is sending me for an mri. I have been on leave for work for five months and the hearing dr says the hearing and vertigo will not go away. I dont think the surgeon will ever admit that it was his fault because he keeps telling me that he didnt do anything to hurt the anatomy of the ear. What should I do at this point? Maybe see another dr? My other symptoms have returned and feel no better than pre-op but the drs say those symptoms take time. Thanks for any input, everyone here has been awesome!

Hi Brenden

You'll have to check out my other posts on dizziness and primitive reflexes. Hope to have something up on the member board as well to help out further with vertigo.

People with Chiari can have their hearing affected as well though it is not the actual hearing but how your brain is processing auditory information. Auditory therapy can be helpful - you are just retraining the brain how to work again.