
I am 72 and suffer from chiari type 1. I suffer from dizziness that rocks like I am on a pontoon boat in rough water. I have been told by a neurosurgeon that I don't need surgery. Any ideas.

I have that. On a constant basis. I have been told I have 75% balance lost in my right ear. I hold walls when walking. I dread crossing roads. But there doesn't seem to be any confirmation that surgery will fix this issue. Sorry I can't help, but I feel your pain, literally.

I had decompression surgery about 9 wks. ago. Dizziness/Vertigo/Tinnitus were a big part of my symptoms, including the Chiari headache. The headache is much improved, but all of the other stuff is still there.

I wish I could say that the surgery helps with dizziness, etc., but as of right now, I have not had that experience. My NS is telling me to give it a full year before deciding on what symptoms are really better and which are not.

Am I happy that I had the surgery????? I guess ask me in a year. It has been a very difficult, painful recovery so far. The healing of the cervical muscles that they have to cut through is very slow going. I am trying to be patient and hope that in time I will have continued improvement.

Thanks for you fast replies. guess I will have to get used to this. It had gone away for some years but came back in august. At my age to find out that I have chari and that there is nothing that will help. The neurosurgeon said any surgery was out of the question due to a-fib. So I guess it's live with it and use a walker if it gets too bad.