
I know being dizzy is part of chiari. After I was diagnosed I have been dizzy and unbalanced but this is ridiculous. For the past week I have been completely dizzy all day and even having my legs feel like Ive been running or jelloish (not a real word). I have now also been hearing my heart beat in my rigt ear. Is this the progression of chiari or could it be something else?

My doctor wanted me to do some blood work to make sure my pressure in my head is within normal limits. I’m just trying to make sure I go through everything and check them off. Last time I talked with my doctor they said I was a candidate for surgery and if symptoms are getting worse they might go that route. So I guess once my insurance kicks back in, I’ll go go have my blood drawn for the tests.

Like Em, my dizziness got terrible before my surgery. I had to hold onto walls as I walked around. After surgery it got almost 100% better, except for the POTS dizziness…that got better with beta blockers. Hang in there.


I am 6 weeks post-op and still get so dizzy i have to hold on to stuff to walk. Not trying to be a downer, but dont get your hopes up that all syptoms will go away after surgery. Im still having headaches and numbness in my hands and feet too.

Thank you for the information on POTS

Very useful



I was quite dizzy, especially with eyes closed, turning my head, rolling in bed, or even just watching movement for many months after my surgery. I saw a lot of people who did not help. Then I saw a specialized physical therapist who gave me some primitive reflexes that did away with all that silliness. My vestibular system was not the problem, it was my brain from the CHiari that was causing my balance problems. The reflexes were called the "tonic labyrinthine" and the "hands supported" reflexes. There were more, too. You'll have to check my other postings. I can dig up more information if you have any specific questions. I found that these exercises did what medication and rest and other advice did not. I am quite pleased with the long lasting results. I had to do another round of the exercises a couple months back when I got dizzy again but that is all.
