Pillow recommendations?

I could’ve sworn one day while quietly reading through discussion I saw pillow recommendations. However, I can no longer locate that thread. I can not find a pillow that helps me sleep without causing me more pain to my already high pain. I’m miserable & need sleep! So, please if you have found a pillow that helps you, please share that information with me. Thank you in advance.

I use the Sobakawa Cloud Pillow. It’s filled with micro air beads that help contour to your body. I like it.

Thank you so much! I will give that one a try.

Amy, you can key word search pillow in the search box at the top of the discussions page- this will bring up all past discussions about. No personal recommendation from me, I have about 6 different pillows I switch out every few days.


That is exactly what I was looking for but couldn’t find a search box. Maybe because I’m on my phone. I’ll try again once I can get on my laptop. Thanks for the info. :slight_smile:

Hey hon, www.sleepnumber.com has alot of diff shaped pillows, i like the boomerang as i am a stomach and side sleeper. But the great thing is they are having a sale and you buy a pillow and can try it for 30 days and if you dont like it you can trade it i or get your money back.