NIH study

I thought I saw it here, but maybe I am wrong. Anyhow the NIH is doing a study with syrnix (please use technical term), Here is the link.

You must be willing to travel to Bethesda, MD. I just registered. waiting to see if I get selected.

technical term is syringomyelia. I couldn't find my paper to spell it earlier. Like I said check it out, never hurts.

Hey Michael...

Thanks..I am gonna check it out!

How are you feeling since the fusion????

good and bad Lori. Mostly bad. The fatigue set in even faster, pressure and other symptoms that I did not notice before are driving me CRAZY, but fortunately for me I have a team of HIGHLY SPECIALIZED CARING AND COMPASSIONATE nurses (AKA my daughters). To be honest I really don't notice a difference, I just want a good nights sleep without the hard brace, that would be heavenly and better than most thins I could think of right now