Spinal MRI results

Just got the results of my daughters spinal MRI. The results shied a 7.6 mm herination, with evidence of decreased cerrospunal fludid at the level of the foramen magnum,but no syrinx. I’m happy about that, however I feel this means no surgery for her. I’m not 100% sure about this. We have to wait to see what the NS thinks. He did ask her “if I can fix you, will you make better grades”. It’s because of the chiari that she’s having problems in school. So frustrating for a parent to go through this with their child.

FYI I Hate typing on my iPhone. Damn autocorrect


thanks for the update...how have her Sx's been?? happy there is no syrinx.

to me anyway, it sounds like the NS was trying to make this less stressful for your girl when he asked her...."if i can fix you,will you make better grades?" How was his tone when he asked her this??? How did your daughter respond to that question?

Pls forgive me..my memory is shot...how old is she and what is her 1st name??

When does she see NS again???? keep us posted.

HOW ARE YOU?????? be sure to take time for you...this is so stressful on you, i am sure....we are all here for you.



Just an FYI for you my herniation was less then that but my symptoms were extremely life altering and I DID have surgery..

i was wondering the same questions lori asked- but i thought because i am a recent return i may have missed that information.


Her name is brianna and she’s 17. The NS didn’t listen to me at all. He only wanted to hear what she had to say. He is very good with kids. Great personality! He asked her tons of questions. Her grades were a big deal to him. I brought a printout of her gpa from school. It shows a steady decrease over the last 4 years. He asked her if the headaches are the reason she can’t concentrate. She said yes. Then that’s when he asked her “if I can fix you, will you get better grades”. She said yes. He then told me that he was ordering a spinal MRI and that he wanted to rule every possible thing out, that could be causing headaches. He mentioned allergies and an eye exam. He said that she looked really “sinusy” on the MRI. She’s on allergy meds and breathes great now. No stuffiness whatsoever. I had her eyes checked 2 days after the appointment. My neighbor is an optometrist. Found out Brianna has a very slight far sideness in her left eye. The eye dr said it is so slight that it would not cause headaches. The spinal MRI confirmed that there is no syrinx but showed evidence of decreased spinal fluid at the foreman magnum. (duh) We see the NS in about 3 weeks. I don’t know where we’ll go from here but he did tell me that out of all the chiari patients he sees, he only operates on about 10% of those. So who the heck knows, lol I’m just along for the ride I guess. I’m not sure what else I can do, and yeah it sucks.

lori said:


thanks for the update…how have her Sx’s been?? happy there is no syrinx.

to me anyway, it sounds like the NS was trying to make this less stressful for your girl when he asked her…“if i can fix you,will you make better grades?” How was his tone when he asked her this??? How did your daughter respond to that question?

Pls forgive me…my memory is shot…how old is she and what is her 1st name??

When does she see NS again??? keep us posted.

HOW ARE YOU??? be sure to take time for you…this is so stressful on you, i am sure…we are all here for you.



Hi Lisa. What was the deciding factor for your surgery? From what I’ve learned, Syringomelia is just chiari left untreated. I don’t understand why surgery is so frowned down upon by the doctors in Orlando. It’s very frustrating for me because I feel like it will help her. Her grades speak for themselves. I see her pain on a daily basis. Now I guess we just have to convince the NS that surgery is right for her. Honestly I can’t blame him. He has to be 100% ok about surgery before he just goes cutting into someone’s head. I guess our next visit will determine what step to take next.

Lisa W said:

Just an FYI for you my herniation was less then that but my symptoms were extremely life altering and I DID have surgery…

i was wondering the same questions lori asked- but i thought because i am a recent return i may have missed that information.
