Memory issues


I have a question. I'm a junior in college, I just failed the courses I took this semester, not badly but, failed just the same. I purchased new technology so I no longer have to type on a keyboard. However, the main problem I have is I'm not remembering the information, this is not only happening in school but also at home and work. Is this something that anyone else has had problem with? Any ideas with how to work with it, it is getting bad enough even driving to work is a task. I have had days I've almost forgotten were I'm going and why.

Any help or advice would be appreciated.

Hi Roxanne - I'm not sure if this helps, but I can tell you what I've done. I have terrible short term memory, feels like I can recall about one of three things if someone gives me information. I recently returned to college after a 12 year hiatus and have been doing better than I had when I was young and in college, even though I feel like my memory was much more clear back then. A few tricks I've learned - eight week courses. I love them. If your school offers them - I take two at a time so I'm not overwhelming myself with multiple layers of information and I can focus on the two classes and move on. It's still considered full time - just two 3 credit hour courses for 8 weeks, then two different 3 hour credit courses the next 8 weeks. I also try to "bank" my memory. For example - math and algebra classes - which are not my best, I do best if I study just before a test (like an hour or two) and then use my calculator for even simple math. Like (embarrassing enough...) 2 + 2 = 4. That was I'm using all my memory power on the functions and not the basic math facts which I do have memorized, but it helps if I focus on one at a time. Also depends if you are a visual learner or do better in listening.

Make sure you don't have too much on your plate. Maybe working and going to school is going to be hard with short term memory and something might have to give in order to make it work.

I've also heard ginko is helpful for short term memory. Not so much for me, but maybe would help you?

Good luck. = )


Sadly memory problems aren't unusual with Chiari. I find my memory is not what it once was. I try to do a lot of crossword puzzles and puzzle type games in my spare time and honestly I find this helps a bit.

Thanks for all the ideas. I am also trying to contact the college to see what I can do with disability services. Hopefully they will be able to help as well.

I failed all of my courses this year as well, they wouldn't refund any of my tuition, even thought i was already registered with disability services, so i hope you have better luck (:

Hi Roxanne! Yes, memory problems are not uncommon with Chiari. I suffer from some serious memory issues. I also work full time and am going to college. I think Roxanne has a great suggestion. I also take 8 week classes, but instead of two, I only take one at a time. Yes, it's taking me a lot longer to finish my degree. But with only taking one,and working full time, I don't feel so overwhelmed and stressed. I've also found that when I'm stressed my symptoms flare horribly. I find that I can focus quite well most days, but there are some days I just can't and will read the same paragraph six times and not remember a thing I read. If you are already registered with disability services, see what your school can do for you. Maybe try lessening your course load? Good luck!