Infections, flu, colds

Have any of you found that you are more susceptible to getting sick? I have NO immune system and I catch everything. It wouldn't be that bad, but once I catch it, it doesn't go away. I got strep 2 weeks ago and then developed a secondary infection. I have been on 3 different antibiotics including injections and I am still stick. I go back in today to see the doc and he said my only option is to start IV antibiotics. WTH is wrong with me? I have had 2 major surgeries where they scraped the in sited of my mastoid bones, had my sinus cleaned out and tubes in my ears 6x. My tubes have been drained puss and my sinus' are killing me. Will this ever go away? Is it even chiari related? I'm tired of feeling sick, especially now that I have been decompressed and I want to get back to normal!!!

I'm not sure if it's chiari related or not but I have chronic mono so I stay sick most of the time too. I have also been very prone to strep in the past. Sadly the only way I can keep from coming down with stuff is to rest as much as possible. I used to exercise daily and then went through a 4 month period where I had sinus infections, ear infections, swine flu, mono, and shingles numerous times. After that I quit working on for months to recover and now if I start back I'm sick again within a week. I was hoping that maybe after I heal from surgery I won't have these issues but the NS said he couldn't make any promises in that area. :(

I have to go against the grain here - I almost never get sick. I might get a cold once every 3 years. Never had strep, the flu, or anything of that sort. One thing I do have is a constant need to clear my throat. I feel perfectly fine and healthy, just always feel junk in my throat. I'll be decompressed in 3 days so I am hoping this is a symptom that will go away after surgery...?

I had my first MRI in June and they noted I had a sinus infection. Two rounds of antibiotics later, I still feel like I have a sinus infection... :/

Thanks for the responses! I do have low vit D and I take supplements daily with vit. C and Probiotics. I am a school teacher and unfortunately it comes with the territory. I am now on a 10 day course of IV antibiotics. I have spoken in depth with my students and if it comes to it I will wear masks or make the kids wear them. I am a hand washing/sanitizing freak also. I just wish for 1 minute I could try and enjoy my post decompression life. I don't even know how much of a success it is because I haven't been without sinus/ear infections or a cold for more than a week. Praying this IV does the trick for me and I can get all better!!!!

I have not had decompression surgery but last few years I've been sick all the time. Last Halloween I got strep throat went immediately on antibiotics, week later sinus infection, pneumonia with onset of asthma. I didn't get better to 3 days after the New Year and this year I've had 5 sinus infections that have bed ridden me for 2 weeks.

So I went to my old allergist whom I haven't seen in over 6 years and explained what was going on. (don't know technical term) Turns out I've got a gene or something that makes me 40% more likely to contract all influenza, pneumonia and sinus infections. (Side note I've had 3 sinus surgeries) He rdid alot of blood work and it turns out I have a Low Immune System so he put me on horse size vitamins,probiotics, and supplements. Gave me 3 vaccines. And I have to et my blood redrawn to see if it helps. If not they want to do Gamma Treatment. I didn't even bother asking what that was. I had enough on my plate :)

I will be more than happy to email or fax you a copy of my blood work for you to give to your doctor. Because the codes/test he ran I've personally never heard of and when I google them there's no real information on them. My Allergist was also well informed on Chiari and said that illness comes with the territory.

Also went to Rheumatologist and I've got 2 Auto Immune Diseases that don't help the situation. It's very frustrating when I get a cold from someone and they can still go to work and are better in like 2 days. I'm in bed felling life death for weeks. I am SO thankful for finding this website and people who understand what it's like.

Please let me know if I can help in anyway!!

My Best,


Mandee you sound just like me! I have had every surgery possible on my head and I'm still getting sick! I would love to see the tests, so I can ask my doctor about running them on me. I know how you feel. It seems so unfair and all I want is to feel good. The Gamma treatments are apiece of cake. It is just a series of shots over a period of time that help boost your immune system. It is something they used to do a lot way back when, but over time doctors didn't think it was effective.
I spoke with a lady yesterday that told me to try a bunch of different minerals, vitamins and supplements. I am going to go to the store this weekend and give it a shot. I have hit desperation!!!!

Anyway thank you so so so much!!!!



Mandee428 said:

I have not had decompression surgery but last few years I've been sick all the time. Last Halloween I got strep throat went immediately on antibiotics, week later sinus infection, pneumonia with onset of asthma. I didn't get better to 3 days after the New Year and this year I've had 5 sinus infections that have bed ridden me for 2 weeks.

So I went to my old allergist whom I haven't seen in over 6 years and explained what was going on. (don't know technical term) Turns out I've got a gene or something that makes me 40% more likely to contract all influenza, pneumonia and sinus infections. (Side note I've had 3 sinus surgeries) He rdid alot of blood work and it turns out I have a Low Immune System so he put me on horse size vitamins,probiotics, and supplements. Gave me 3 vaccines. And I have to et my blood redrawn to see if it helps. If not they want to do Gamma Treatment. I didn't even bother asking what that was. I had enough on my plate :)

I will be more than happy to email or fax you a copy of my blood work for you to give to your doctor. Because the codes/test he ran I've personally never heard of and when I google them there's no real information on them. My Allergist was also well informed on Chiari and said that illness comes with the territory.

Also went to Rheumatologist and I've got 2 Auto Immune Diseases that don't help the situation. It's very frustrating when I get a cold from someone and they can still go to work and are better in like 2 days. I'm in bed felling life death for weeks. I am SO thankful for finding this website and people who understand what it's like.

Please let me know if I can help in anyway!!

My Best,
