Post Chiari decompression

I had my 2nd decompression surgery, (this time I had the dural patch done) about 3 months ago. I had several complications afterwards and I was on IV antibiotics for the first 6 weeks after I came home and I’ve been on oral Clindamycin ever since. I just went back to work at a doctors office and after only a few days, I got sick with a sore throat, cough, so much congestion, and fevers on and off. It’s been 4 days and I’m concerned since I’m blowing my nose so much and coughing it makes me nervous about hurting the patch. I’m assuming this is all unrelated to chiari or being post surgical but has anyone else experienced these issues and have been told that it is related?

ST3, sorry you’re feeling terrible. I would not assume it’s Chiari related, and at 3 months out I wouldn’t be worried about your patch- unless you have a chronic or recent leak. I would be more worried about muscle spasms from sneezing and nose blowing. Take it easy, you get wiped out harder from an illness because your are still in a state of recovery, so get extra rest. If something starts to feel “not right” with your head go get checked out though. :slight_smile:

Feel better soon,
