How do they affect your Chiari symptoms? I am 2 months post decompression surgery and I have a Sinus and Ear Infection. I have suffered from them my whole life. I feel like my head is going to explode!!!!!!! Anything I can do to make things better? Anything else I should expect?
see ENT doc all the way! Maybe ask them if they need to clean your ears out, they have a simple way of syringing them with water that's really effective! You should expect less of these things post-op but you're probably still healing. I hope you feel better soon<3
I am on antibiotics. I started them 3 days ago. I woke up sicker today, but my head is feeling much better. I have tubes in my ears, so I am sure that is helping a lot with the pain getting better so fast. Thanks for the advice ladies. If I am not better by Monday i will go see my ENT.