Does anyone know if marijuana affects us negatively? Meaning, can it cause further compression or enhance symptoms... Or, for those that partake, has anyone found it to do the reverse and relieve symptoms?
I have read a few stories of Chiarians getting perscriptions to help with the nausea and pain. I have also read some banter about the subject, but that was more political rather than medical. I personally can’t weigh in but would be interest to hear from others too!
I tried it at one point thinking that it would help with the pain etc. For me, it actually made it worse!!! I had a headache and it went from a 6 to a 9 or 10 immediately after. It was not worth it for me.
I was told to explore getting a prescription by a very good nuerologist but I wasn't really that interested because I have a teenager and a tween. I didn't really want it around or have to explain why I was using something we had talked about not using over the years.
Wendy - just to play devils advocate, what is the difference between MJ and any narcotic perscription? These days kids are abusing perscription medication more that any other drug. I think if the drug makes your life better the stigma behind it is mute. With that sad the legal issue in my state would stop me from taking the perscription but if it is legal I don’t feel there is any difference between MJ and Vicodin, it is a perscription drug that can help with the symptoms of a disease and provide a better quality of life! These days you don’t even have to smoke it, they make medicinal edibles. Not sure what they taste like but I don’t think I would like to smoke!
wendyanne said:
I was told to explore getting a prescription by a very good nuerologist but I wasn’t really that interested because I have a teenager and a tween. I didn’t really want it around or have to explain why I was using something we had talked about not using over the years.
Krissy Ann,
I have no problem with other people using marijuana medically or recreationally. I think that it should be legalized. I have heard great things about it for other people. It just doesn't appeal to me right now but I would never say never to anything that may help me in the future. I know that it is an amazing medicine for some people. It's just a personal preference right now. Thanks for the feedback......Wendy