Has anyone tried marijuana for relief?

Hey there everybody. I looked around for a heading that pertains to marijuana and I can’t find one. I hope this isn’t “against the rules” but has anyone tried pot for relief?

I have seen several docs, neurosurgeons, and neurologists. Last week, after a month of headaches/migraines a neurologist recommended I try pot. I will get my medical marijuana card next week and I was wondering if anyone can recommend strains or mediums (edibles, oils etc.) that are best. I tried a sample and it worked, but I got too stoned to do much more than sleep. I think it’s worth a try as none of the myriad of pills I’ve tried have been much less effective. I just don’t want to be really high.

Any ideas?

Hey Lemmy, not against the rules but I recategorized your post into Complementary Therapies. I hope you find relief from your symptoms.

Meli from Moderator Support

CBD blend with a lower amount of TCH might help. Also consume a little less? I used to do half a piece of chocolate that was a 1/1 ratio of CBD to THC. Sativa’s will not knock you out and tends to be uplifting, and Indica will make you sleepy.

I would be interested as well and it’s something I have discussed with my medical team. I have become quite ill in the past when smoking pot (that was in my younger days 20+ yrs ago) so I’m a bit cautious. I have looked into medical cannibis oil but not had a lot of success in getting hold of it to try. It’s still an illegal drug in every aspect in Australia which makes it harder to source. I cannot afford to buy the oil in it is outrageously priced. I’m probably one of the least informed people when it comes to cannabis (or other drugs for that matter) so I’m reverted to asking around. I have been told it should be bush cannabis as opposed to hydroponic (whether smoking or using for oil) and I have no idea how, or if you can tell the difference from looking at it. Nor do I understand the THC level stuff in terms of making it.

At this stage I’ve yet to try it but I believe there is some benefit for those suffering chronic pain.
I wish you every success if this is the road you choose to go down. Obtaining effective relief from pain/symptoms is really challenged at the best of times so if you can access the right stuff and it works for you, then I say give it a go. You’ve got nothing to lose.

I am always a bit concerned when folks start bandying about marijuana as pain relief . . . many reasons. Foremost is that I get concerned that people have not actually been properly assessed for why there is a chronic state of pain in the first place. What is chronic pain? What isn’t it? Do you know what types of pain marijuana is purported to relieve? Do you have that type? How do you know?

With an assessment, in the presence of a pain whisper, there can be a strategic plan of attack to address the concern. Unfortunately, marijuana does not address origins of the chronic pain. Can be a pleasant Band-Aid - can be unpleasant with side-effects

The Neuro-Orthopedic Institute (NOI) has excellent books that talk about pain much more knowledgeably than me. “Explain Pain” and “Graded Motor Imagery” have much to say on the topic and go much beyond the dated “gate theory” of pain.

Causes of pain can include

basic motor control issues
muscle trigger points
primitive reflexes that are locking a body into unsuitable patterns of movement
myofascial restrictions
neurodynamic issues and the accompanying physiological changes in nerves that predispose a body to the sensation of pain
body image or midline disruptions
environmental and diet concerns
yes, childhood trauma
vision problems stemming from brain processing irregularities
brain changes

Have these issues been assessed? Do you even know? More often folks have just seen a slew of medical doctors who do not know what is wrong and hand out diagnostic tests orders and prescriptions that do not necessarily correspond to what a patients is saying. A 10 minute consultation is not going to get to the root of chronic pain.

I have found that actual Chiari-base-of-the-head pain is different than other pain. Do you know the difference? What are you trying to treat? I ask questions, not to get an answer, but to get folks to think about their body and what it might need. Muscle trigger head pain is different from pain caused by a restricted rotator cuff which is different from muscle spasm holding a cervical vertebra in a locked position which is different from cervical motor control issues which is different from visual strain.

Sometimes it is easy to blame Chiari for all our pains. But assessment is where the need lies. The corresponding treatment varies considerably depending on what is revealed in an assessment.

Great what to do. Find a pain whisperer . . . I made that term up. Need to find someone who will talk with and listen to you and ask you a ton of questions. They might give you questionnaires (are they good ones? How do you know?) and sub-classify you into a treatment type or two. Do they do research? Do they track their clients after treatment? If you have multiple trauma to deal with, a psychologist might be brought on board. Maybe blood work. Education and lots of exercises. Even if you do nothing else, walking daily is a huge relief factor.

In my neck of the woods, the rare physical therapist can have the tool set necessary to actually cheer lead and guide someone into a better position in life. Be aware that whatever the actual problem is, it will require ALOT of work to improve the situation. I am exhausted after writing this. May be a toke is in order to restore me to rights . . . just kidding!

It is no fun being your own advocate in a medical system that does not have answers or solutions and we know that people in pain do not have good judgment. (I just heard that last bit on the radio from a lady who wrote a book about back pain called “Crooked”).

Good luck in finding sustainable and meaningful treatment that makes you better in the long-term.

Good afternoon from Greece, This is my 1st post on this forum and I’m really really really glad to see there is now a support group for ACM that is truly about support! I have had spectacular results in dealing with Chiari which entailed a total lifestyle change that includes: daily yoga (www.doyogawithme.com for free classes you can do at home), medical marijuana, increased sleep on good quality memory foam mattress and pillows, rather extreme dietary adjustments (no meat, sugar or gluten), humour and acceptance. I lead a very active life and run 2 businesses, a guesthouse and an International cookie company, as well as being involved in many community based projects. Sure, I still have those horrific days when I cannot stop vomiting but they are so few and far between now that I can hardly remember when Chiari ruled my life. My message to anyone suffering from any chronic disease (I also have MS and had a double mastectomy in 2009) is find out what changes you can make in your day-to-day life to foster wellness. Cannabis is a miracle if used carefully and I certainly would recommend it together with an overall lifestyle reboot.


Good on you for making such sweeping changes. Diet, exercise, sleep, a daily laugh, and fulfilling activities - all are areas that need to be addressed for everyone and especially Chiari folk. Who can say that they are truly balanced in all these area? I must say that the on-line yoga is an attractive perusal… Thanks for sharing it.

Thanks everyone. Daily yoga, coupled with a complete change in diet has had the most profound effect. I have used http://yogawithadriene.com for almost four years and her various videos really help.
Jazzy, you’re right. You must determine the source of the pain before you can alleviate it. For the most part, I have everything dialed in…but some days the CSF pressure is too much. On those days, I want something, but I don’t want to be a zombie. I will try some light 1 to 1 CBD/ THC blend and see how that works. It’s cheap, simple, and easy.
Thanks again.


My Dr at the time prescribed it. It is an excellent and safer alternative to opiods in her opinion for pain relief and as a sleep aid. We knew where my pain stemmed from. I am pain free since surgery six months ago and no longer take any prescribed medications. MMJ helped me tremendously. I feel fortunate to live in a progressive state and city.


Awesome! No opiods and no marijuana for long term use. Glad to hear that you surgery and recovery went so well

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I’m going to try CDB oil and patches after surgery. My goal is to get off the harsher meds as quickly as possible. I’ll update and let everyone know how that goes. This is just CBD, and contains no THC, which is illegal in Florida. I really wish I lived somewhere more progressive when it comes to this.

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Hi everyone!

Newbie to this site, Chiarian since 2009. I her been medicating with THC and CBD products for a long time. It has been the ONYL type of products that have worked for me. Even now, it still doesn’t help form time to time. Because I have neuropathy in my stomach/intestins, I can’t always use edibles. Due to my asthma, I can’t smoke or inhale any flower products or often. I can vape but still have problems. I really like using salves and different topicals/lotions. They have some really good ones. They even have CBD capsules too. You just have to me patient when using any kind of medicinal products because you might not get the dose right the first time OR the opposite might happen, you over do it. Don’t be alarmed if it doesn’t effect you how you thought it might. Make sure you are with people/person you feel comfortable with and that is responsible as well. You shouldn’t try this alone you first time, unless you are comfortable with it. Don’t be shy either when it comes to when you need to medicate. Everyone’s dose and tolerance is different. You do what is comfortable for you.

I hope my feedback is helpful. Just thought I share my two cents. Happy medicating and Always Chiari Strong! Hang in there my Chiarian Brothers and Sisters!

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Hi @Lemmy,
I was very curious how Yoga affected your Chiari?
I find I can’t bend in certain positions because I felt I can’t breath and the blood flow feels constricted to my head. Eek
Not sure where I seen it, but I randomly came across something saying Yogo could hurt with Chiari? Have you noticed anything? I’m sure you would have said something but I just thought I’d ask.

Sorry for the late reply. Yoga has only helped. There are inverted and twist poses that I must avoid but the over all benefit comes from increased blood flow and mental calmness. Take your time and find an instructor who knows about Chiari. It can work wonders.

I have Chiari and have had rheumatoid arthritis for 18 years. I was never a recreational user of cannabis, and don’t like feeling altered so I hesitated to try it for pain relief. Finally two years ago I learned about the high-CBD strains which have been developed and got my medical card (in New Mexico). I can honestly say that medical cannabis has changed my life! I use an oil tincture - 10 drops under my tongue twice a day, and occasionally will vape a bit if I have breakthrough pain. I never feel high. My arthritis pain is almost non-existent, and in 18 months the blood test showing inflammation in my body (SED rate) went from the very top of the scale to almost nothing. I lost 40 pounds without trying, (I need to lose another 40!).

I tried using the hemp-based CBD oils, but they don’t seem to work as well for me. The one I use has one part THC to 20 parts CBD and that does the trick. Again, I don’t feel any psychoactive effect - only relief for my pain and anxiety. I highly encourage you to explore medical cannabis. A good website for information is www.healer.com

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

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With Missouri just passing amendment 2 for medical marijuana I am excited to apply for my card in July! With having chiari seizures and PTSD I’m hoping for an excellent outcome on using medical marijuana. Not that I haven’t tried the street version but didn’t like the way I felt. Hopefully medical will work!

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I believe controlled marijuana use has been combined with a heavy amount of peer-group therapy and one on one therapy with small numbers, limited independent research (ie not funded by the counselling organization running the whole deal), and limited results.

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