I had a emg nerve test done on the 7th of this month, they are checking for either Thoracic Outlet Syndrome or a pinch nerve in my right shoulder and arm.. I''ve been getting bad pains in my right shoulder down arm to hand, and sometimes it would go under arm pit and down right side. Any way while i was getting the test done while laying on my back flat my right side of the back of my head of hurting, i could like feel fluid draining in my nose. Some of the spots he did i could not feel, but one spot he tested i felt and it went right to the bone in the shoulder that has been hurting. Well now its been a couple weeks later, the pain in my shoulder has seem to have gotten a little better but now i'm getting pain in the back of my neck and in my head. I no the weather here in michigan has been crappy so i don't no if its the weather or the chiari. Some time even my jaw feels like its having lock jaw or feels and my eyes are killing. any ideas what it could be
Thanks Abby,
last time i went to the dentist, he never said any thing about TMJ, but he was gonna order me a mouth piece to sleep in cause i had this bad habit from my nerve, of either grinding my teeth or playing around with them, some times i even bite the side of my mouth. but the other day when i went to go yawn it felt like my left side of my mouth was gonna lock up or it just felt funny. I too have degenerative disc disease at c5-c6 with a mild flattening of the cord. My neck seems to be craking more lately too. last night i was not feeling to great i was in bed at 7 pm. thanks