Feeling Woozy? Is this Normal?

Just today, I've been feeling, for lack of better words- woozy. Almost like head is just gelly. My eyes almost feel like they are a bit jumpy, and head feels just kinda light headed, kinda 'air headed' lol. I am an air head, but literally. As I tilt my head back and feel my incision kind of fold, it get a little worse. Maybe it's just the meds, but has anyone else experienced this? Is this a normal part of recovery? It's very weird. Today I finally drove farther than just 5 miles. I drove around different places today for about an hour, and by the time that was done I was fully ready to get out of the car b/c it was almost like I felt I was getting car sick. My pain level is very minimal, especially in the morning....yea!! But still need some meds when I start moving for the day. Maybe I should try to start cutting back. All I know is doc is getting called Monday if this isn't better. Have any of you experienced this w/in the 1st few weeks of your surgery?

THANK YOU EMMALINE! I can tell they did most of the work on my right side (where I was having all the pain b4) because it's bumpy and totally numb. But my god, feeling like I'm almost drunk with pain w/o drinking is a bi t scary!