Almost a Year Post-Op.....Still Get Dizzy When I Cough or Sneeze!

Okay, so I was decompressed Sept. 9, 2013. My "pressure" headaches are gone now, but I still will get very dizzy anytime I have a coughing or sneezing fit. Does anyone else who has had their surgery have this problem? I was told I might have dysautonomia, but I do not have any problems with my heart nor with my blood pressure nor with excessive sweating. I am starting to wonder if I don't have a problem with my hypothalamus. I have read that it controls not only your thirst/hunger center, but also your "urge" center (to urinate) and your "balance" or coordination. I seem to never be thirsty or hungry. I have to literally set an alarm on my phone to remind myself to eat and drink. I have been "clumsy" my entire life.....and I wet the bed up until almostt my senior year of high school. :-/ Anyone have any ideas or suggestions? I managed to get my NS appt moved up from Oct. 7th to Sept. 23rd. Yay! Should I bring these opinions up? Should I type up a list of on-going symptoms? Should I ask about my hypothalamus?

Txmom, the bed wetting sounds classic tethered cord- have you had a lumbar spine MRI? I would write the list of symptoms out and go over it in the appoint. I’m glad your headache is gone! Let us know how it goes.


No, I’ve only had cervical & thoracic MRI’s done. I just wish I didn’t have to wait until Sept. 23rd! Ugh…I’ve wondered about tethered cord as well…I had posted a question on here before about it, but it seemed like others didn’t think that was it. Idk…I just want to feel normal…

I’m so sorry. Hang in there, you’ll get there.
