Any thoughts or suggestions

I’ve undergone my surgery but seems to me my burning has got worse. I know it takes time for all things to heal but in the mean while I would like to know if anyone else has a burning sensation and if so what meds are you taking and does it work? Right now im back on neurontion 100mg 4*daily its not helping at all. Any suggestions I should ask my Dr about?


Where is the burning??? I would call your are a fresh post op...I think he needs to know..just my opinion.

I hope you feel better soon. In my thoughts and prayers.



I still have burning alot. I am three years post op. I take Neurontin, too, and it does seem to help. I do take quite a bit more than you are on right now. I take 800mg X 3 a day. Maybe yours needs to be increased.

Take care and hang in there,
