hi, i havent been on here in a while, i think I've been in denial. Anyhow I think my job is causing me so much pain and stress which causes more pain which causes more stress. I'm a dental assistant & have been for 12yrs. its pretty much all i know. It doesnt seem like a physical job but it is. When I'm assisting the Dr I can't sit because my legs go numb and give out, and Ive tipped the stool over before. The only other position is to stand and bend over which causes so much pain, Ive had some other back injuries as well. Also our office is under contruction so most of our stuff is in the basement & I have to go up& down 20 stairs 50xs a day and its awful. I go home unable to play with my 1yr old. A few weeks ago I was alone with the baby, after a long day of work, and got a shooting pain down 1 of my legs and couldm't stand or walk and had to lay on the floor. On St. Patricks day i fell holding my girl, luckily i fell towards the bed so she was fine but what if it were outside? I wake up all night with numbness so I'm so tired for work & theyre not at all understanding there and think since I 'look' fine i must 'be' fine.
I was recently off work for 2 weeks and felt so much better. but the reality is I HAVE to work, our family needs the money. How do you do it? how do i keep going on and work when its crushing me? this is the only skill I have wok wise and I cannit do it any longer. I just dont know what else to do.
Sorry for the rambling I just feel very lost and alone.
I feel the same way so you are not alone in how you are feeling. I am a Nanny to 2 little girls (14months and 17months) . most days I don't want to get out of bed let alone go to work and try to take care of 2 children. I have no choice I must work even though I am in pain all day and can't take any pain meds while at work for 10 hours a day. I have 2 flights of stairs and 2 babies to carry up and down each time we leave the house plus a big heavy double stroller. I am really starting to think about SSI. I'm not sure how long I'll be able to work as a nanny. This is all I have done since high school. Any type of job is going to be draining for us. The other day I was making lunch for the girls I took a dish out of the microwave and it fell to the floor because I lost feeling in my hand. It's a very sad day when you realize you can't do what you used to do. I have gotten so depressed about it I thought to myself If I die I won't have to go to work anymore. It would be so nice if I could stay home and just lay down with an Ice pack when my neck and head is killing me but for now like many others I have to keep pushing through.
Thank you for replying. I at least don't feel so alone. I know what you mean about dropping things. I feel like I constantly have to tell myself in my head 'don't drop it don't drop it' or i will. Its such an awful feeling knowing what youre doing is affecting your life so much but we can't not work. The time off I had I felt a TON better. Its sad I have no energy for my daughter cause of a dumb job I hate. I know so many people work from home but I have no clue how to get into that. That would be awesome! Do SSRIs really help? I see a psych in a few weeks and Ill be done breastfeeding by then so Im seriously thinking about it. I just hate everyday cuz of the pain.
Frances Miley said:
I feel the same way so you are not alone in how you are feeling. I am a Nanny to 2 little girls (14months and 17months) . most days I don't want to get out of bed let alone go to work and try to take care of 2 children. I have no choice I must work even though I am in pain all day and can't take any pain meds while at work for 10 hours a day. I have 2 flights of stairs and 2 babies to carry up and down each time we leave the house plus a big heavy double stroller. I am really starting to think about SSI. I'm not sure how long I'll be able to work as a nanny. This is all I have done since high school. Any type of job is going to be draining for us. The other day I was making lunch for the girls I took a dish out of the microwave and it fell to the floor because I lost feeling in my hand. It's a very sad day when you realize you can't do what you used to do. I have gotten so depressed about it I thought to myself If I die I won't have to go to work anymore. It would be so nice if I could stay home and just lay down with an Ice pack when my neck and head is killing me but for now like many others I have to keep pushing through.
First of all how lucky that you have a beautiful year old baby. Mine are tweens and teens and I don't know how that happened and where all the time went. I also loved breastfeeding. I did it for a long time with both of mine. Your baby loves you no matter what. Second I can imagine your job is very difficult. I had to stop working after a car accident and whiplash caused my Chiari to become worse. I really miss working. I would say that you should check out all your options for some sort of pain relief from your doctor and by doing things at home like ice or heat or countering the stress of bending over by lying flat or having someone massage your sore muscles. I use Weleda arnica oil to rub into muscles and it really helps. I also have this little wooden hand held massager called a Knobble. I take it with me where ever I go and rub where ever it hurts. Maybe you could use a heat pack or ice on your break from work? I use a flax seed filled microwave neck pack all the time. Some people also take B12 for nerve function and magnesium for muscle aches. We all have coping mechanisms that help us get through the day. It's so difficult because we look fine and people don't understand. Anytime you want to vent we are here. Good luck and enjoy that baby.They are the best pain relievers ever!
Do you have Long Term Disability Insurance at work? They usually pay 60% -70% of your current salary and you can also file for Social Security Disibility & Medicare. I hated I couldn't work anymore. It still hurts my sole a little. I loved my job. There was just no way I could be there everyday & deal with the stress. You are never alone. Everyone here understands.
I wish I had some tips for you. I'm in a similar place myself. I don't sleep well at night due to pain in my neck and shoulder and my hands and feet randomly falling asleep wakes me up too. Druing the day I struggle through so by the time I get home I'm so wore out I can't do much. My house is a mess! I feel like I don't have the energy to devote any time outside of work. What is worse is that my boss just went on maternity leave and my workload has doubled. Now I'm stuck working overtime and the stress is killing me.
All the doctors I've seen have said that Chiari is nothing to worry about so I feel like if they won't take me seriously there is no way my bosses will! I'm currently waiting for approval to see an NS who is supposed to be knowledgeable. I hope someone can help because otherwise I'm going to have to consider quitting work eventually and we really can't afford it.
Sorry that wasn't much help but I do understand where you are coming from!
I’m struggling to continue working too, so I feel your pain:( I also work for a dentist, but in the front office. There is NO WAY that I could handle being a dental assistant! It is a much more physical job than most people realize. You have to sit/stand bent over for hours at a time, while holding the dental instruments very still. I have no doubt that this is making your symptoms worse. Everyone has given you great advice. Have you thought about applying for Disability? I’m trying to continue working until I can get surgery, because I need my health insurance. Once I’m on leave for surgery, I plan to apply for SSI. If you can’t do that, have you thought about trying to work in the front office instead? That should at least be a little easier on your body. I hope you find a solution soon and start to feel better:)
than all of you being so supportive . my issue is the money, we also have custody of my 17yr old sister and barely make it check to check so taking less than i make isnt possible. if anything i need to make more. but yeah the actual assisting part is too physically difficult. a few people have told me about disability but i feel like i want to work-i just cant.