I’m a year and half post op. Still have terrible symptoms, I’m just wondering have anyone been able to go back to work? I know I’m not ready right now. And won’t b able to go back to my old job ( warehouse work. Lots of lifting) thankfully I was approved for disability ( after a year of trying) but I don’t want to be on it forever. And would like to contribute to the household like I used to. So have you been able to go back to work? And what kind of work is it?
Well my doctor said to stop working for now that’s why I got on disability. I still have bad symptoms and my dr said I would have to get better before I can work again. but just interested how hard it is to get back to work.
I am looking at surgery this month, hurting and feeling really bad but still work. I am fortunate as i am a nurse and in higher management Director of Nursing, but the constant stress level, computer work, meetings and so on are just horible on my head and neck well you guys know the pain issues. I am afraid what it is going to do to me returning to work after....it takes everything i got to get here now everyday and work if this pain does not improve. I guess what i am saying is, if i had to work a differend job i could not do it!
We have many Members that have gone back to work. Unfortunetly, I was never able to & I loved my job. It is totally subjective. Have you ever thought about changing professions?