When it rains it pours another vent

I am totally wiped after the call from the neurologist and her explaining Katrina has some form of epilepsy. According to the neurologist she is showing 3 different types of seizure activity. I just do not know what to do anymore. Seems like the world is imploding on my family and there is nothing I can do to stop it.
Is there an emergency brake on the world so I can pull it and have a break for a while?


I also have epilepsy and narcolesy assoc. With Chiari and all the surgeries I have had. I have catitonic siezure where I space out . I know it’s a long journey that we all face. Your all in my prayers God Bless!

I was once treated with meds that are normally used for epilepsy.

Just make sure that doctors aren't just throwing around diagnosis' to get you out of their office or whatever. I'm sure you won't have this problem because I'm assuming, according to your pictures, that Katrina is a child? Also, do your best to understand how your doctors came to their conclusions... If you have a PCP you can trust, they can do all that for you and make sure everybody is on point.

Epilepsy isn't as much a mystery as it used to be so try not to worry too much ;)

good luck and much love to you and your family<3