As many of you know or maybe you do not know, My eldest daughter Katrina has been diagnosed with epilepsy. We went for testing at Children's hospital of Pittsburgh when referred to a NL from a cardiologist. Any how her pediatricians office just called to tel us that she had an abnormal EEG scan. I am so torqued that it took 3 months for the doctors office called us and wants to set up an appointment with them before school. I am also so thankful that the NL's office called even before we got home and left an urgent message to call them back. At least one of the teams showed up to assist.
My concern is what would have happened if the NL's office did not call and it was a big deal or something even larger. Chrissy thinks I should be nice to the pediatrician while I would prefer to rip the @##$%ing head off and chew them a new @$$hole. If they missed the importance of this, what else could they be missing? I know doctors are only human and can and will make mistakes but 3 months, I believe this is way more than ridiculous especially since we have been seeing this pediatrician for about 5 years (if not longer) and he knows of all the work ups and everything that we have went through to find out what is going on.
Secondly last night I was very nauseous and threw up multiple times after 5 I lost count. I am near a month post op and I have an appointment with PCP tomorrow. But does anyone think that is could be Chiari related or maybe like some 24 hour bug. I am leaning towards bug but it never hurts to ask especially when the migraines have returned with a vengeance, day 4 of migraine..... And bless little Emma been trying to nurse me to feel better. She even said we could watch my show on her TV. Of course she later changed her mind and we watched her show (cartoons) so it wasn't a complete wash out.