7 week post-op check-up with NS

Referred her out to Neuro (appointment Aug 29) and six weeks of PT. He is hopeful she will be able to attend regular school when it starts in four weeks. He said if neuro cannot figure out how to stop her headaches he will order another MRI scan but wants to hold off on that for now.

Told Abbey that she can take up to 3,000 mg daily of Tylenol for headache and yes I had heart palpitations when they told her that. I am not ok with her being on that much Tylenol daily, heck I'm not ok with that much weekly!!!

Not sure how the heck she's suppose to start school (unless I continue with home school) with her constant headache, nausea (she's lost 16 pounds since surgery), and fatigue.

On a very selfish note I do not want to continue home schooling. I've been doing it for the last five years and I just don't want to do it anymore. I'm in my last year of my own schooling and the children want to go back to regular school!

Abbey continues to have more and more problems.

Nausea -

Continues to get worse. She is now throwing up at least three times a week.

Swelling -

Her face is starting to swell again and so are her hands and feet.

Hearing -

Cannot hear out of one ear now

Headache/Neck Pain -

Has not improved at all. The kid wears an ice pack around her neck 24/7 and if she doesn't then her neck spasms.

All I can say to this is just UGH!