Good -
Abbey's incision looks great and is healing nicely.
Has a painful lump on her neck.
Still having headaches that are at least a 4 (on the pain scale) every single day.
Still has numbness and tingling in her hands.
Feels wobbly when she walks (this is new).
Still has double/blurry vision.
Sleeps 18 hours a day. Is constantly tired and just wants to sleep.
When she first came home from surgery (still had pain medication) she was up at least every 2 hours interacting with us. She ran out of pain medication (they only gave her 28 pills that she was suppose to take every 4 hours 1 or 2 at a time) six days after discharge. The only reason that they lasted as long as they did is that Abbey was only taking 1 every six hours after the second day home due to running out. The Dr. Morris fellow said they were giving us enough medication to last until two week post op check. Taking 2 pills every four hours as prescribed had her taking 12 pills a day and running out in 2 1/2 days.
The NP said she should not be having any pain and that against her better judgement she was going to give Abbey some (20) Vicodin for pain but that it was from migraines not the Chiari and Abbey needs to see her PCP for additional medication. I'm not disputing that Abbey has migraines but the way the NP talked to us just pissed me off and was a direct contradiction of what Dr. Morris said. She then went on to say how horrible the patch is and how zofran causes terrible headaches so Abbey should not be taking that either.
NP says everything is 'normal' and to come back in 4 weeks!
I hate the NP for Dr. Morris.