So disappointed. He called my son a white rat (in front of my son) because surgery could help and surgery could not help. Then he said that when this is completely ruining his life to come back and see him. This guy didnt give me any real information and said to go get a second opinion. Needless to say, we have a new appointment scheduled for April 2nd. HAve to travel almost 5 hours to get there but we need an ally in this fight.
AMC's Mommy
What is the closest City to you and how far are you willing to travel? I know some incredible Pediatric NS's in Michigan. I don't like your sons NS's comments .Did you ask him why he made those statements? What kind of Ally are you looking for?
Please let me know how I can help,
Tracy Z.
For our 2nd opinion we are going about 4.5 hours away to Detroit. Her name is Holly Gilmer. She was recommended by a family close by whose daughter is having her chiari surgery next month.
The whole meeting was off because his real dad (who has never been involved) decided to show up and agree with everything the NS said. When I told him that I was getting a 2nd opinion he explained how wrong I am to want one. Just kept repeating that the scans show everything.
As far as an ally, I want someone that we can talk to and understands us. Someone who has my ds best interest in mind. The other NS didnt even listen to any symptoms or anything.
I think you are doing the right thing! The first NS that my dr sent me to I was not sure about since he was only concerned about "spinal" issues (excuse me for saying but I would like someone to know about my "head" also)...was getting a little scared when I noticed they had another NS on staff and he was an expert in I aske my dr if he would referr me to him instead...and too my surprise he did (now I am relieved because I know that whoever is doing surgery will know about my head AND my spine!)
Keep up the Fight!!
Thank you both. It is nice to hear that I am doing the right thing. This is my little boy and I will fight for wwhatever will be best for him.
BookAngel~so glad you found the right doctor for you!!