I am planning to have decompression surgery at the end of August. My partner, my daughter, and friends are asking what i will need as far as help and support in the first week after surgery. I have no idea what to ask for or what i might need! I dont even really know if I will be able to get up, walk around, or shower alone. Does anyone have any experience or ideas?
Before you even get there I would say one of the most important things that we did was have someone with me at the hospital as much as I could to advocate for me. I was so out of it and I don't know what I would have done without my husband.( and pillows for the ride home) Many people here have had the surgery recently and they would be better off telling you what you might need. Good luck and let us know how you make out.
Ok this list i got from a friend and I took it to heart and made it alot easier
clean shirts/tanks
hoodie zip up
your own blanket (gets cold this time of year in a hospital)
Dental floss
Hair brush
Cell phone
Phone charger
Clean notebook and pen (if you have questions you can write down for dr's when you know you may forget) also it's a good idea when you have weird sideaffects to meds to write them down so they know when you see them next time. it's amazing how much you forget)
your own pillow
Face throw away wash clothes (found these to be a godsend)
your favorite tea bags (you can always ask for a hot cup of water)
The list above is prett good.
If you can wash your hair (the nurse did it for me) I would recommend baby shampoo. You more then likely would have something over the scar so it doesn't get irritated when you wash your hair, but the milder the better until you get out your staples/stitches.
I would also say hair twisties or ties to keep off your scar...sometimes your hair can irritate the scar.
Good luck!
My first thing is you need rest, rest and more rest. Anything they can do to give you a chance to completely rest is great. I second the meds. They prescribe them for a reason and need to be taken as prescribed.
I'm not sure all NS stress the need for a stool softner but IMO it is very important. My NS had me start taking Miralex 2 weeks before surgery and I continued taking it through 6 weeks Post op.
We had family and friends that brought food for 6 weeks after surgery. It was great.
Good Luck!
I was just coming to ditto BeckiBowling's comment. Our daughter found MIke a very soft donut shaped pillow - kind of like a travel pillow - that Mike has used non-stop since his surgery. He likes it because it surrounds his incision to let his head rest without putting pressure ON the surgical site. Absolutely perfect!
What everyone said are all great things to have! I would also recommend having soft foods for when you get home! I had and still do have trouble swallowing some things! Pudding, jello, spaghettio’s, macaroni and cheese, and Popsicles have helped me a ton.
Best wishes,
Thank you so much! you are so right about not being on your own in the hospital. I have people to be with be all the time at the hospital. I never want to be alone there! Did you have a long ride home? I have a 5 hour ride. Should be fun!
wendyanne said:
Before you even get there I would say one of the most important things that we did was have someone with me at the hospital as much as I could to advocate for me. I was so out of it and I don't know what I would have done without my husband.( and pillows for the ride home) Many people here have had the surgery recently and they would be better off telling you what you might need. Good luck and let us know how you make out.
This is a great point. I already have trouble swallowing and I hadn't really thought about it for afterwards. Thank you!
Painful head said:
What everyone said are all great things to have! I would also recommend having soft foods for when you get home! I had and still do have trouble swallowing some things! Pudding, jello, spaghettio's, macaroni and cheese, and Popsicles have helped me a ton.
Best wishes,
I have a travel pillow that should work. I will pack it so I dont forget! Thank you !
rmlyonsfamily said:
I was just coming to ditto BeckiBowling's comment. Our daughter found MIke a very soft donut shaped pillow - kind of like a travel pillow - that Mike has used non-stop since his surgery. He likes it because it surrounds his incision to let his head rest without putting pressure ON the surgical site. Absolutely perfect!
Thank you! I have a travel pillow that will probably work. This is a great tip!
Becki Bowling said:
I had a donut shaped pillow for my 2nd surgery that I really wish I had the 1st time around. It allowed me to lay my head back without anything touching my incision. Also my sis brought me one of those Wisp waterless toothbrushes when I was in the hospital. It was nice b/c I couldn't get out of the bed yet to brush my teeth and I could use that in bed. Made me feel so much better just to have a clean mouth.
Thank you, Diana, I am not a good rester or a good med taker, so I will enlist my helpers to keep me on schedule. I am curious as to whether everyone is given muscle relaxers after decompression. I know I will need lots of pain medication.
Diana Smirl said:
My first thing is you need rest, rest and more rest. Anything they can do to give you a chance to completely rest is great. I second the meds. They prescribe them for a reason and need to be taken as prescribed.
I'm not sure all NS stress the need for a stool softner but IMO it is very important. My NS had me start taking Miralex 2 weeks before surgery and I continued taking it through 6 weeks Post op.
We had family and friends that brought food for 6 weeks after surgery. It was great.
Good Luck!
I will stay on top of the meds. I am worried about the pain! I have a friend who offered to lend me a shower chair and a walker. I was resisting, but I will get them. Thank You so much!
Emmaline said:
Sounds like you have lots of help so you're in good shape! Have lots of pillows for when you get home, drink plenty of fluids, and remember to take your meds! This is a difficult surgery to recover from, and we don't want the pain to get hold, so even if you don't think you need it, keep it up for at least 2 weeks.
A shower chair helped me when I got in the shower, actually I had to get it prior to surgery, it helps in case there is any dizziness or feeling unsteady. If you don't have a hand held shower nozzle, get on that attaches to the faucet.
Good luck!
I will pack some baby shampoo and plan to have ponytails for a while! I was wondering when I could wash the gunk out of my hair! I hope fairly soon after. Thank You!!!
Jenutny said:
The list above is prett good.
If you can wash your hair (the nurse did it for me) I would recommend baby shampoo. You more then likely would have something over the scar so it doesn't get irritated when you wash your hair, but the milder the better until you get out your staples/stitches.
I would also say hair twisties or ties to keep off your scar...sometimes your hair can irritate the scar.
Good luck!
Thank you for this list! I will take it to heart, too! I especially like the face washers and the tea. Familiar tea can be so comforting.
Christy Mullen said:
Ok this list i got from a friend and I took it to heart and made it alot easier
clean shirts/tanks
hoodie zip up
your own blanket (gets cold this time of year in a hospital)
Dental floss
Hair brush
Cell phone
Phone charger
Clean notebook and pen (if you have questions you can write down for dr's when you know you may forget) also it's a good idea when you have weird sideaffects to meds to write them down so they know when you see them next time. it's amazing how much you forget)
your own pillowFace throw away wash clothes (found these to be a godsend)
your favorite tea bags (you can always ask for a hot cup of water)