What items did you need after surgery?

Hello all

I am frantickly trying to get all my ducks in a row for my surgery in June, and Im wodering what are some things you needed, or that helped make you more comfy while recovering? So far I have a u shaped neck travel pillow, black out curtains.... anything you would add? Im checking into those really expensive ortho pillows, does anyone have any input on whether those are helpful, or just a waste of money? As always, thanks for your input, have a great day :)

What will you need after surgery?

Helping hands that does every thing for you for at least the first 3 weeks. Someone that will bring you breakfast, tea, chocolates and do every little thing you need done. Someone that will be with you all day to prevent you from having to do anything, prevent people from waking you up, will do the washing so your family will not have to take the strain. Someone who will help you bath when you feel to weak to lift a finger, will be in front of your bed at 3 in the morning when you wake up and need tea and a muffin, will go to the shop, pick up kids, clean the house, cook the supper, sit at your bed when you need a chat, someone who is there whenever the family have to run to work and school so you are never alone.

I was living alone at the time of my decompression. I had a home nursing carer for 3 weeks during the day. She cleaned, washed and ironed, changed linen, carried tea and lunch etc. She sat with me for a chat in the day etc. At night a friend stayed with me. At one stage I was too weak to get myself bathed or get out of the bath. I was afraid to shower. My friend helped me in and out etc. Three in the morning if I stirred my friend appeared from down the passage and made tea, hot chocolate, brought a muffin or what ever I needed. It was a great blessing not to have needed to be responsible for even the smallest of things. I rested, rested, rested ..........

Kristy - you have gotten some great suggestions so far. Here are a couple of add-ons from me:

Before I had surgery I got a hand-held shower head and a plastic stool I could sit on in the shower (I just got a cheap plastic step stool from the hardware store). They were a lifesaver. They made bathing an easier and safer experience post-op. You still want someone close by at first, but at least you can get a little dignity back by bathing yourself.

I would also have an extra bucket/small trash can with you around the house in case the meds make you nauseous. They will give you a bucket at the hospital to take home if you ask. Bring it with you in the car for the ride home - just in case!

Also, have your favorite bland foods on hand, for the same reason as above.

And straws! Straws are great. No neck bending required to drink anything. It makes a difference.

Recognize that you will be doing a LOT of resting. If this isn't your cup of tea, make sure you have movies/books/easy games to keep yourself sane.

Right after surgery you wont want to be pulling really tight collared shirts over your head, so get a couple things with very loose neck lines or some of those button-up the front PJs. Bring them with you to the hospital.

Hope this helps!


Thank you friends! That is very helpful info, and indeed things I hadnt thought of. Have a great day :)

A backrest pillow and blankets. It may have been that it was November, but I was cold, then hot, then cold, then hot....

Eating was not something I wanted to do, so plenty of fluids. Stock up on them early. I survived on orange sherbet and 7-up floats! They worked wonders on the nausea! My sleep schedule was horrible. I should have been sleeping, yet I was awake for 22 hours and slept for only 2 hours during the day. I had issues that I could not explain or even try to put into words. If yu have a strong support system, try to educate them with as many scenarios as you can beforehand. It matters!! Good luck and keep us posted.


One of the most important things is to ensure you have a recliner or any comfortable couch or chair in which to sit with you feet elevated. You will not want your head to rest against anything at the back as it will be very sensitive to pressure. Your pillow has to be one that has the correct height for you to be comfortable on your side. Make sure your head will not be in a down position as it will place strain on your neck which too will cause discomfort in your head. Perhaps inquire about the chiari pillow online, which is available in America.

All the best to you

this is AWESOME!

Abby said:

This is Beeba's list.

Beeba's List Home (after surgery)

My surgical routine - and yes sadly I have one.
1. Check into stores grocery delivery services. Many like giant(peapod), and Safeway have them. It is a great way to feel you are still contributing yet it is all done with just a few clicks and takes just minutes. They deliver right to your kitchen and it is a minimal charge.

2. Clean. Mostly organize things. And show husband how to wash the sheets. You will want to come home to a nice fresh smelling bed. Have extra pillows of all textures for propping.

3. Buy a cheap little trash can ($3) line it with two plastic shopping bags. Hopefully you will never need it but with pain meds it can hit fast and hard and it is good to move around with it. And definitely have it for ride from the hospital. Better to have and not need than need and not have.

4. A heating pad. Squishy ice packs at least 2 to rotate.

5.make sure school knows what is going on and to bump spouse to the "emergency contact" teachers need to know what is happening in their kids. Also you want to feel comfortable being able to turn your phone off - moms just don't like doing this!! But you have to or people call to check on you and end up just waking you

6. Be aware that pain meds really mess with your sleep cycle. You live on a 24 hour cycle instead of the normal 16 awake 8 asleep. So ya just gotta go with it. But when you are up at 3 am - I do like to warn people - infomercial all of a sudden make perfect sense. This is a financial warning!! Lol. Cindy Crawford looks that good from good genes, no pillow will really make your head feel better and carol Burnett is very funny but you don't need a years worth of videos that when you are better you will never have time to watch. And just because these really are the only people happy to talk to you at 3 am - they are not your friend!!! (My husband said I was the only person he knew that could spend money from icu- but everyday was like Christmas!!)

7. There is a pill app or the old fashioned pen and paper. Use them. Write down exactly what you took and when. As much as you think you will remember - you won't. You don't want to miss a dose or even worse overdose. Document it while the pill is in your hand and going down the hatch. Something as simple as a phone ringing can throw you. You will have the attention span of a 2 year old - squirrel!!

8. Limit visitors. You just need to sleep and you don't want the pressure of entertaining other. Despite their good intentions - people come over and you turn into a hostess.

9, for showers - have someone within ear shot. You should be fine - but an ounce of caution. Showers can cause a bit if dizziness

10. Have your sick food on hand. Popsicles,soup and ginger ale.

11. I was allowed to shower at hospital - bring your things.

12. Get hair trimmed and comfortable - you won't want to do it later.

13. Definitely ear phones - if you can download some shows do it. Hospital tv stinks - especially on the weekend. I learned how to breast feed again about a 100 times. My 12 and 8 year old were not thrilled. I finally fell in love with the sopranos on 7 years after the show ended. But I did feel the urge to 'whack" my rude roomie.

14. As soon as you do your last talk with anesthesia - ask for the relaxing medicine before surgery. Never been denied and makes those last few minutes more enjoyable and less likely you will jump off the table and run out butt exposed.

15. Know that right up to the last second - if you want out - you have free will. Keeping that control in mind allows you some feeling of comfort. In your head you will cancel all the way to the hospital - that is normal - but I have yet to hear anyone on the table actually say - get me out. But know you can. Screwing up your surgeon, the hospital or anything else is not your problem. You won't do this but I liked knowing I could.

16. Rest, rest, rest!!

17.do trial runs with the kids. Like pick ups, drop offs and after school sports and such so you can relax and not get that call because someone can't find your kid who gets dropped at one end of school but picked up at the other end. You don't need that anxiety.

18. Let the kids help. They can always lay in bed next to you and babble about day and do homework. Go easy in the parent guilt. You are doing what is needed to be a good parent. You are showing strength and courage.

19. Warm socks with grips in the bottom. You get some crappy ones from the hospital - nice ones are better.

Strangely the pillow that suited me best was the cheesy as seen on TV Sobakawa cloud pillow. It was $20 at CVS and it's the only pillow I could stand to sleep on!

Also depending upon how helpful your family members are I would recommend paper plates and plastic cups and utensils. My husband who is otherwise great isn't so good at keep up on dishes so this was a must for me! lol