Ok so what are the must haves to bring with me for post surgery at the hospital and hotel? The chiari pillow? Button up pajamas? A book? I would love to hear what everyone thinks.
My surgery was 4 weeks ago.
Here's what I actually used
A new soft alternative down pillow much more comfy than the hosp pillows
extra pillows for the trip home (about 2 hours)
my own pj pants the last night I was there after my first shower
some hand wipes for after the bathroom (i had an iv in my hand)
face wipes
some of those wisp toothbrush things (it hurt to bend forward for real toothbrushing)
a comb for after my shower
arnica pellets ( I had my family give me a dose every couple of hours after I got the ok from my dr.)
I should have brought my own rice heat pack from home. I got heat packs that helped relax my neck but they ran out and couldn't get more. there was a room right next to mine with a microwave so I could have used my own.
I couldn't have read a book if i tried. Too much pain and no concentration.
Something comfy to wear home after surgery. Some say button up shirts but I did ok with a soft pullover shirt.
I have to agree on the advocate. I don’t know what I would have done without my two oldest daughters after my surgery. I was in no shape to speak up for myself and my oldest daughter let them know that if pain medicine wasn’t coming soon that things would get ugly. Lol. I don’t know if it’s like that everywhere but I didn’t get anything for pain until I was into my room and in a LOT of pain.
Thanks! do you think driving for 13 hours before and after surgery is crazy? I am worried it will be too painful but also worried that flying and layovers for 4-5 hours is crazy too.
I don’t think I could do the driving for 13 hours. You will need pain med prescriptions filled. I don’t know if you can do that at a chain and transfer it to home or not. You will have to stop every couple of hours to walk around also. Can you maybe drive partway and stay at a hotel for the rest of the day?
Yes we could stop if needed. Do you think I should probably just fly home?
How long will it be between the surgery and heading home?
I am having surgery on a Monday, getting the staples out the following Tuesday, so 8-9 days from the actual surgery. I have to stick around until the NS clears me to go home. I am a little worried about being so far away. Have any of you gone far from home to have surgery? Any suggestions?