What a day!

I met the neurosurgeon I was refered to this morning. What a great first appointment we had. He was very open and honest with me about could happen and what he thought I should do.
I'm VERY lucky - I got diagnosed before I have any permanent nervous system damage. I have to get another MRI on my cervical neck to make sure I do not have any spinal fluid pockets.
The surgery is the best way to help me, and the practice has an excellent track record.....He does not operate, but referred me to one of his partners who I will meet hopefully next week. He decided to "expedite" my case.
I am hoping to have the surgery before the end of the year. I can't wait to not have my symptoms anymore (hopefully)!
God works in mysterious ways...I feel like a million pound weight has been lifted off of my shoulder: I know what's wrong with me...and I'm not in a bad situation...and I'm a routine case....and he thinks it will be easy for me to recover.
I am scared, but I know God will provide. Thanks for all your support in the past and thanks, in advance, for all the support I know you'll give me in the future.

I’m glad that you found a great N’S because they are hard to come by. Good luck on your future surgery and keep us posted.


I am so happy that you have a plan of action now!!!! Does take a load off your mind, right?? Feeling validated and that there is hope and treatment available.

You are in my thoughts and prayers..keep us posted.



Thanks! I am very lucky! I haven't met the doctor who will be performing the surgery yet, his name is Dr. Brian Seaman. I meet him next Friday, but if he is anything like Dr. Meagher, who I met today I will feel very lucky! I promise to keep you posted. THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT!

Tradee30 said:

I'm glad that you found a great N'S because they are hard to come by. Good luck on your future surgery and keep us posted.


ME TOO!!!! It really does. I know that the process of going through the surgery may not be beautiful, but Dr. Meagher assured me I will feel SO much better after I"m finished recovering. I'm praying that is true. I do feel validated, and hopeful. But mainly I do feel blessed, I can see the end of my symptoms....there are patients with other diseases that don't have that.

Thanks, Lori, prayers and thoughts are so empowering. I'll share what I learn next Friday. I'm hoping to have the surgery after Thanksgiving, if I can. My graduate school position and classes have agreed to release me from the quarter early so I will have the winter break to recouperate and be back in the swing of things after the first one-two weeks of winter quarter...I'm hoping that will work.


lori said:


I am so happy that you have a plan of action now!!!! Does take a load off your mind, right?? Feeling validated and that there is hope and treatment available.

You are in my thoughts and prayers..keep us posted.

