Surgery Moved

I was suppose to have my decompression surgery on March 10th and my doctor moved it to March 14th. I informed my employer that my surgery has been moved to the 14th and they let me know that since I am on a temporary assignment they will be letting me go when I leave for surgery because the assignment will be over before I return and they don't want to hire me full time without knowing if I will be able to come back. The issue is the company I work for is providing my medical insurance so when I leave to have my surgery I will be losing my medical insurance at the end of the month. I was wondering if anyone has advice on good health insurance that doesn't give push back when it comes to Chiari. I am half tempted to cancel my surgery until I find a full time job. I am super stressed which is making all of my symptoms worse, simply sitting up kills me because it hurts to have to hold my head up.

Amy, this must be stressing you out- so sorry. Look into cobra - it allows you to keep your insurance for a set amount of time after your employment ends, you just pay your own premiums.

I'm so sorry to hear this! You definitely don't need this stress right now! I don't have suggestions on health insurance. I just wanted to offer support. I'll keep you in my prayers. (Hugs)