Insurance dilemna

I have chiari had the decompression last year. Arthritis in neck and degenerative disc disease. My neurosurgeon rescheduled my appt last month to this month.He recommended a level 4 bone fusion for C3-C7.Had it scheduled for today. But my insurance took too long to approve it and to send the precertification. My insurance expires today and cant be renewed. Due to the severity of pain and lack of correct medications i have been unable to work for 3 years much to my dismay because i cant stand sitting around and am unmarried. My parents help by taking me to my appointments (driving makes the pain worse)but i really have no real supoort system.i really feel the surgery will help me get to feeling well enough to work but now i have no way to pay for the surgery. I live in oklahoma. Does anyone know anything to do or to go to help get the surgery i need?

Hi, Allura.
I found this Consumer Reports article on options for those who have lost health insurance. There may be some resources here for you to start-
I hope it proves helpful. I should also mention many here have not found the surgery to be a cure-all for their Chiari symptoms. Everyone is different. This is not to discourage you, but just for you to consider when weighing options.


Call your state insurance commissioner) at 1.800.522.0071 or 405.521.2828. Your expiration is not your fault. as you asked early enough. They should give you retroactive coverage. If not there is no preexisting conditions with Obama Care policeys

Social security disability for medicare and state medicaid. Call your social services office in your state/county to sign up. Much faster to get medicaid than medicare. But if you have both itll pay for everything.

Ok thank you to everyone. Will try all of them til something works.