Have to postpone surgery

I had to hold off on surgery. The insurance is still reviewing our appeal. We are not going to reschedule the surgery until after we get insurance approval. I'm on hold right now with the airline trying to cancel the plane tickets. On one hand I am extremely frustrated. On the other I'm kind of relieve as I am not in limbo anymore about whether to start packing and if I need to cancel plan tickets. Once I get the actual approval for surgery I will feel much safer making plans for transportation and hotels, etc.

I think because I am still trying to work and can still take care of basic needs, insurance does not think this is necessary. I hate the thought, but I wish the person reviewing my case at my insurance would start having Chiari and CCI symptoms!

Sorry you are having to jump through hoops, Rebecca. I hope all obstacles are removed soon and that you have a very successful surgery. Keep us posted.

Everything happens for a reason, maybe this happened for your benefit but you just can't see it right now. Whenever someone big changes at the last minute i always feel there is a reason for it even tho it is frustrating . Especially when you have already made arrangements. Last surgeries i had was scheduled 4 days after my appt. I ran around like a crazy person getting things ready. And then they post poned it a d made me wait two weeks. I got everything ready, clean and even did my spring cleaning and i feel maybe something would have went wrong if i would have went in the first tims

Amen, I wish there was a way to make it so that if you deny coverage for someone you experience there symptoms for day. Im so sorry that this happened. :frowning:

Rebecca, so sorry. Can you find out what the title is of the person who reviewed your case? Sometimes you can argue that the veterinarian who specializes in lizard allergies is not qualified to judge your diagnosis and deny you treatment. I Hate that this is taking so long but I believe you will get it approved. Hang in there.


Hang in there! Dealing with health ins can be tough, & with Chiari being not well known, I’m sure it’s a battle. You will be in my thoughts & prayers while you wait. God bless. Lisa