Supplements? Do any work for you?

Just curious if anyone uses supplements for help with their headaches or for pain in general, and if they work for you? If so, which ones do you use?

I just started trying my first supplement a month ago, and I'm not really noticing any results, but it's also not causing me any harm so I'm going to stick with it for awhile. It's called "Yan Hu Suo Zhi Tong Wan" and I got it from my chiropractor. She refers to it as "herbal vicodin," though I have never seen that reference online. When I researched it online, it simply says it's supposed to help with pain relief.

Since at the moment I have less than helpful doctors (to put it mildly) and no pain medication, I am interested in trying supplements that may provide some pain relief. But I also don't want any side effects! Also, any reason we should NOT use them?

I would accept and welcome any advice - thank you fellow Chiarians!


I agree with Emmaline Magnesium Citrate is helpfull.It may give you the runs though. Also D and B vitamins.B is suppose to help with nerves and D is a vitamin most of us don't get enough of and helps our immune system. I just read recently that Vit C is suppose to help with pain but I don't know. We also use Homeopathy in our family and Arnica is great for overworked sore muscles.
