Suggested Personal things to take for hospital stay

This list is for Adults


DVD player






Charge cords

Cell Phone

Loose hat or scarf



Memo pad to keep track of medicine times, questions, answers and info

Spouse, or Parent Medicines (so they will have on hand and comfort)

Anything that will make family members comfortable for their stay too.

Change for vending machines.

Hair ties


Non skid socks

folder for paper work and ask for medical records either to be faxed or you keep.

For Pediatrics

Favorite stuff animal




Diapers/Pull ups Wet wipes if a small child

Crayons and coloring books



Gaming system and chargers

List of child's current medicines with strength doses

list of child's current diagnoses, symptoms, medical history, etc.

folder for paper work

ask facility to fax records to Pediatrician

(may want to bring some of the above listed things) Adult.

Please add to this list

Thanks for providing this list. It’s very helpful as my surgery will be in two weeks.




I would add sunglasses, soft ear times noise sensitivity was a problem for me. If you feel like you cannot swallow pills ask for pudding. It is easier to swallow pills with pudding than water. Comfortable traveling clothes and shoes. Do not take any shirts that have to be pulled over your head or tight around the neck, they may cause discomfort. If you are a lady do not be surprised if a bra is uncomfortable or even cause shoulder and or neck pain. Try sport bras, or even cami's or undershirts.


While I know it sounds like a good idea to take your own meds it is not a good idea. As a nurse myself I know the any hospital will not let you take your own medications unless specifically written as an order by the doctor. We are responsible for everything that you take. What happens if the patient brings the wrong med, dose, expired, had a reaction etc? Just something to think on.

Thanks Abby. Your prayers mean a lot.

Abby said:

Glad it helps, we have other posts that have suggestions too, so please check. We are praying for you and have you in our thoughts. Please keep us posted and let us know how your doing.

Sending you a lot of hugs and prayers and well wishes!

JennRn, wouldn't the hospital have pillowcases?

JennRN said:

Pillowcase that is ok to get some drainage on it.

Big comfy lay around blanket for the bed.

tank tops and zip up hoodies/easiest way to stay warm and easy things to go over your head.

Thank you, agree with TeJa, surgery is in two weeks for me as well, and this is great info.

Me too!