Today I have had what I can only describe as brain tremors. It feels like a wave across the back of my head and then I get bad vertigo. Any ideas on this? I am finding it very disturbing. Usually I can maneuver around my house, but today it has been quite the task!
I hope my case might help you,I know about those awful head feelings,if you’ve done your homework on chiari and feel your symptoms fit,be sure you see a specialist.I know mris do not tell the whole story,my chiari was so called boarder line and could not be seen on a reg. MRI after 27 yrs. of hell the specialist who went on my symptoms and his own expertise in testing has given me my life back without him I shutter to think about never finding the answer and I was getting so bad before.I am 5 months out and it is truly a God send to feel much better it’s not perfect but it is worth going through surgery,hope you get the right answer.I recommend Dr.Micheal Rosner in N.C. Hej is a pioneer I this field.
I went to a NS and he said that the Chiari isn't causing the problem. I am having lots of difficulties and he would hear nothing of it. I honestly thought he would do another mri or something, but nope, just told me that is not the problem and wait until you see the NL in September. Unfortunately we don't have a Chiari specialist here, and I can't afford to go anywhere else.
What is an NL? It can be so difficult when you go to see an NS and you are stressed about your Chiari and the NS says those symptoms aren't related to a Chiari, BUT they don't go forward and address those symptoms and try to find you a solution. Does anyone have any suggestions on how they have worked with this problem? Does it help to have someone with you who will ask more questions before the NS leaves the room? I'm sorry you were left with your symptoms until September!
An NL is a neurologist :) Nope he wouldn't talk a thing about it to me..wait until you see the NL and see what happens from there..that was it.
Ty Razzle, but none of those are in my province..I can't go to another province :(
Lynn I am so glad that you are feeling better! Maybe one day I will find someone that will be able to help me :)
Where do you live? I’m in NC,and the specialist here is in my opinion is the best and one of the most experienced in this field.I sure wish you could get here.Hope you can find some help.
I live in Canada..the specialist don't live in the part of Canada I am in :(