I’m having the worst time trying to sleep. Any suggestions? Anyone heard if the sleep # bed helps with head, neck & back pain and if the chiari pillow helps?
I take 5mg melatonin at night and that seems to help me. (Along with my extended release pain meds!) Since my sudden ramp up in symptoms, I've been sleeping in a recliner. That's helped too. And since I got a CPAP machine, the difference has been night and day!
Good luck! Sleep is so important, I hope you find something to help you!
Katrina W.
I was going to suggest melatonin like the last person. My son (he has ADHD) takes it because his meds cause insomnia.
If you do start the melatonin, I would suggest starting low ( based on your weight, tolerance and other meds) I take 3mg. My son takes 1 1/2 mg. pill form is the best. I have also tried several different brands of melatonin and found each one needed a different strength. I like the nature made. You can find it in almost any store.
By the way melatonin is a natural substance.