Self medicating?

Let me first start off by saying (even tho ive never seen any on this forum) no judging please! Is there anything you do/take to help ease your pain and go to sleep? Ive been on ambien and it made me go CRAZY. Like screaming in my sleep, and seeing people that weren't there, So sleeping meds are out of the question. I was on Hydrocodones for 2-3 years then got off those an put on percocets. My pain management doctor has me off all pain meds and is doing injections/nerve blocks...which dont seem to ease the pain more than a day or two, and she doesnt want me on any pain meds when i go to see my new neurologist on 4/25. I need some sleep!!

I take Gravol… adults are only supposed to take 2 every 6-8 hours and it’s for nausea but can cause drowsiness. if I take 2 it usually knocks me out for 4-6 hours… unless I’m having a super bad day… I know it’s not really a good thing to do but I’ve been having really bad bouts of insomnia and sometimes it’s all I can do to help myself function a little better.

Well, I'm no doctor, but I've been thru my fair share of sleeping problems, so here are a couple of ideas:

The only OTC meds I can think of that would help for sleep would be Melatonin or Benedryll (which is the active ingredient in every OTC sleep aid except Unisom, I think).

I personally find a muscle relaxer helpful in the evening, as I have a lot of muscular issues right now that cause pain and prevent me from getting to sleep. Of course, this would have to be prescribed. Would your pain specialist consider a muscle relaxer for you? It's not a pain killer...

I feel your pain with the nerve blocks - I've had a couple recently that either did not work as advertised or wore off so fast it was a joke.

Good luck with your new NL and I hope you get some sleep!

P.S. I love how we are all answering a question about insomnia after midnight...

Thank you for your replies! Ive never heard of Gravol before but ill look it up and give it a shot. I have taken benedryl so much i have to drink half the bottle to get even the tiniest bit tired. I might give Zquil another shot.

And Donna these nerve block shots are SO painful, My doctor said they should ease the pain for around a month...Yeah right! the longest its ever lasted was a week at the most! Im not sure if she would want me on muscle relaxers or not. I was on Flexireal but they werent really doing anything thats when i got put on the hydrocodones.

Gravol is sold over the counter in Canada (didn’t used to be) and I believe you can get it in the US. It’s basically dramamine (don’t think I spelled that right) it’s for nausea and vomiting associated with travel… I use it when I have the stomach flu to help me stop throwing up. It says may cause drowsiness and it does in some people others it makes them more awake.

Razzle, I would love something to help with both sleep and pain, but im not sure if anything OTC would make a dent in my pain, so Id be happy with just getting some normal sleep. And Thanks NieNie i have heard of Dramamine. Hopefully I'll be able to get some tonight.

I take a muscle relaxer (flexiril) and it helps with pain and sleep.