Pain Med Question

I have a question for everybody who is using Oxycodone or Hydrocodone during the day. If you are taking it every 4 hours throughout the day, are you able to function? Are you able to drive? Does it level out in your system so you are not "high" or woozy all day?

I am getting to the point with my pain that I'm thinking I need to take it during the day. I only take it at night right now but the pain is getting worse and I'm not able to manage it during the day. I drive A LOT every day and do work that is very detailed and has many steps to it. I could potenitally put my life and others in jeopardy if I make a mistake at work, I am worried about harming my family and others if I'm too foggy to drive.

I can't be a stay at home person so I'm wondering how taking pain meds through out the day would work for me.

Thanks, Terri in MN

I take it during the day but I don't take it every four hours. After surgeries I've done that and I would definitely say I am not okay to drive, function, I'm completely useless. I won't take it again until my pain becomes unbearable because of my side effects. I believe that over time you could get used to it but I would be worried that maybe you might need more to take care of pain. The only suggestions I have is trying something with extended release so you only take it every 12 hours. Also I have had luck with massive quantities of caffeine. Like a generic no doz, I don't think they make it anymore? My husband found me something similar. That much caffeine makes me sick so I take dramamine or Benadryl with it to counteract. I have Oxymorphone and even when that one gets into my system for a long period of time I start having problems. Talk with your Doctor see what they suggest. I know over time you will adjust to it. I feel comfortable enough to drive to my son's school but only because it's only blocks away. Of course this is just my opinion with my experience with pain killers. Everyone reacts differently. One Vicodin I could drive anywhere but I don't and I won't. You know you best and your Doctor knows drugs best. Let me know if there is anything else I can do?


i take mine almost daily, and like everyone else it depends on my pain level.....but like everyone, it made me "woozy" and unable to focus/ i compromised, when I started taking it regularly on a daily basis, I would take 1/2 the pill, and the other half 2-3 hours helped with the pain, and also helped me build up so that I could take a whole pill without the feelings of "woozy"......but everyone is different. Hope this helps.