
I know most Chiarians have trouble sleeping. One because of the position they lay in. I was wondering does anyone recommend a certain type of pillow to help with sleep?

Everyone seems to have a different pillow that works for them. It might take some trial and error to find the right one. I do best with the as seen on TV Sobakawa pillow. I got it for $20 at CVS. Much better than the really expensive ones I've tried. lol

I need to find a good pillow myself... I've heard that a lot of Chiari patients have had good results with the Chiari Zipperhead Pillow, which I'm thinking of trying, but they are a bit expensive. I've tried the Boppy pillow after reading that some people have had some luck with that, but it hasn't worked out for me. Then again, I have some nights where no matter which way I try to lie down, some part of my head will start to hurt, so I can't sleep at all until between 3-5 in the morning when I'm finally exhausted enough to sleep. The main pillow I use right now is an Isotonic Indulgence pillow from Bed Bath and Beyond. The one I have is made for back sleepers, but I can shape it some to help get myself more comfy, which is helpful as I am usually a side sleeper, though I do tend to wake up on my back due to Chronic Pelvic Pain and some left hip pain. Hope this helps you some, Lawrence!

I’m using the same pillow, I’ve used since my surgery 5 years ago. It’s a goose down pillow, that I nicknamed Squishy. It is very soft, and it’s the only pillow I can sleep with. I don’t want to have to break in a new one. I even take it on vacations with me. I still have pain at my incision spot, and I have trouble sleeping, because of the pain and pressure. Sometimes, nothing helps and up until 5 or 6 in the morning. Good luck

My tempura pedicure pillow seems to hold my head in place and actually works well due to this.