Hi All, I am 5 weeks post op, everything was going fine untill 2 weeks ago I started vomiting again, I had minimal sickness after the op but now feel worse than before, I went to my local A+E as suggested by the hospital I had my operation in as its a long way away, they did all my bloods which were normal , I had an ecg and chest x-ray which were also fine, I have no appetite and have lost quite a bit of weight, Just wondering if its normal to have sickness after being ok for 3weeks?I have no pain or no leakge from my scar?? thanks I will be gratful for any advice x
Skeeter, are you taking any pain meds at all? Do you have gastroparesis?
just paracetamol I dont really have pain, what is gastroparesis?
Some pain meds cause nausea and vomiting- but I don’t really think your med would necessarily cause that.
Gastroparesis is all or partial paralysis of the stomach and part of the GI tract- the normal movement of the stomach that pushes food into the intestines. If you have some degree of this the anesthesia and post op meds can make it temporarily worse. This happened to me and caused me to throw up (green and yellow bile). I got a med from surgeon that got things emptying again. Are you constipated? Or is your system “in line”? I brought this up cause it happened to me, but there are causes for N/V too. You should definitely call your NS about this. Let us know what they say and how you are doing. Sorry you are feeling so awful Skeeter. Hang in there.
Sounds like what happened to me. Nausea at week 2 but then thought I was fine. Then the nausea kicked in Again. The cerebellum is “the Nausia highway” and controls this function. With rest you will heal