Post-surgical nausea

Hi! My decompression surgery is scheduled for August 13, 2014. I have been plagued with bouts of sudden and extreme nausea with projectile vomiting with no warning whatsoever. These episodes last up to 3 days and have resulted in hospitalization 3 times in the past month. My NS said that he would be "stirring the nausea and vomiting pot" while he's working on my brain and that the most common complaint his post-op patients have is intractable n&v. I can't imagine having a head full of stiches and throwing up. The intense pressure and pain when that happens now is almost unbearable. Could anyone share their post-op experience as to nausea relief and/or pain management in the first few days post-op? Hopefully I'll be so medicated I won't remember or care but it is freaking me out right now...

Thanks Emmaline! The word 'comfortable' is just what I was looking for :D

Emmaline said:

If they know this going in I'm sure you'll have an order for some IV meds for afterwards. I had Zofran. The decompression may relieve it all together. The nausea post op is usually from the anesthesia. I was kept quite comfortable post op. The ICU nurses were awesome!

I hope it's the same for you. =)

Tidbit, I threw up a few times in the first couple days but my pain was completely controlled. I had almost no pain. I have heard of others having the N/V you’re describing- I’m sorry that’s got be tough. Is your surgeon thinking it’s going to be worse for the days following surgery or more long term?

I wish you the best of luck and will be sending prayers Tidbit.
