Nausea/gaggy feeling after surgery

Hi everyone, this is my first post here.

I'm 17 years old and I had decompression surgery on July 1st, so approximately three weeks ago. My main symptom was the headaches, which I'm happy to say are getting much better! My NS said he was very pleased with my recovery so far and that I seem to be "above the curve" compared to his other patients recovery.

However, I've been very nauseated on and off since my surgery. I know it's pretty typical, I threw up in the hospital a couple times but that was about it and I was mostly fine until last week. I was trying to take my Vicodin and I was swallowing with my water when I just completely gagged on it and threw up. I've never had issues swallowing pills before, but the Vicodins are kinda big. I was hoping the gagging sensation would go away, but it hasn't yet (it's been five days) and I can barely brush my teeth because I want to gag so badly. I'm able to eat mostly bland sort of foods but I don't have much appetite. I've been taking Gin-Gin ginger candies and drinking ginger tea to try and help it. My mom called the PA at my surgeons office earlier today but she had to leave a message, and she's going to buy Emetrol tomorrow.

I guess what I want to know is if this is just part of the process and if it's normal or if possibly my vagus nerve was affected somehow in surgery? I'm a huge worrier and sometimes a hypochondriac so I don't know if it's outlandish to assume my vagus nerve is messed up. Also, what have you guys done to cope with nausea?

I know I have to be patient but it's so hard sometimes when I just want to go back to being normal, especially because I'm starting community college in four short weeks.


I had a lot of nausea post due to the pain pills and anesthesia. As I took less and less Percocet the nausea wained. I have always had this reaction to pain meds. I had a ex for the nausea when I was discharged and helped a great deal. I hope it goes away quick!

I had decompression 9months ago and I’ve had gag problems too before the surgery I had no gag reflexes at all then after it took a while like 3 months for that to go away.The Vargas nerve can be involved,as for myself my recovery has been up and down so it might take a while to get passed it all,my surgeon said it could take a year.