I am a 2nd grade teacher and last year before I had my surgery I was horrible! I felt like I couldn't teach due to symptoms. I HATED my class and my job!!!!
Well I am 6mo post op and I feel like I have turned a corner. I LOVE my class, my job and the teacher I am this year. I LOVE to teach. My boss even wrote me a note today saying welcome back Mrs. Ramirez. It was so nice to hear that he is seeing positive changes. Do I still suffer from side effects and issues OF COURSE, but I am becoming the person I once was.
I would recommend decompression surgery to anyone who was questioning having it!!!!
Glad to hear you are doing well after your surgery. I should have had mine this week but was cancelled at the night before due to lack of beds. I am scared but know I can’t go on as I am. Your post gives me hope - thank you! x
You have encouraged me,my surgery is Oct.31st.It is great to hear about improvements in peoples lives post op.It is great you're a teacher,that is a great calling.Hope you continue to get well,pray for me to do as well.I refuse to expect anything less than recovery.Thank you so much!
Thank you! I leave a week from tomorrow to head to CO for surgery w/ Dr. Oro. I have no doubts that I've made the best choice, but it's still fantastic to hear about happy endings!