Asking for positive vibes

I am 3 1/2 weeks post-op and returning back to work half days tomorrow. I really am doing good and my good days far out weigh my bad days. My pain and symptoms are way less then the were before surgery, so I am feeling good. I PROMISE I will stay down and take it easy, but I am going to ask for prayers/good vibes to be sent my way. I am a teacher and I really need to be able to prepare my students for end of year testing. My salary is based on performance. That is why I can't afford to take any more time off. Thanks for all the support that has been offered thus far!

Congrats on a successful surgery and it’s awesome that you are heading back to work. :slight_smile:
I’ll be sending good vibes.
It’s always reassuring when you have more good days than bad.
There surely will be some rough days, and I highly advise you to listen to what your body tells you. Do not push yourself too hard! Especially since you are fresh outa surgery and are in a recovery state.

So glad you are doing better. :slight_smile:
We are in this together.
Kickin Chiaris butt!

May th force be with you


Send good vibes and positive energy!!! Congrats on the successful surgery

I wish you well :)


You will be in thought and prayer as you start back to are amazing!! only 3.5 weeks post op!!!! Congrats!!!

You will be in our prayers and Please take it easy Good Luck

Congrats to you. The only thing I can think to warn you of is make sure you get some good probiotics in you. With my daughters surgery she got so many antibiotics and now since she returned to school she goes one week and is sick the next. Make sure you wash your hands often and dont let the kids cough all over you. You may be more prone to infections. She has had 3 infections since returning to school. Has diarrhea often. I'm so happy that you are not suffering like you were but keep on the lookout.

It is great to hear that you are doing so well! I will keep you in my prayers!

Hope all goes well! It so good to hear you are feeling better. Just listen to your body and you will do great.


Hello Michelle, I am 9 weeks post-op, and am feeling better than I have in ten years. I do have many other medical problems, but the Chiari took over my life. I also had spine surgery at the same time and that is what is giving me a bit of trouble. I have been basically headache free though. I was prior to surgery having headaches everyday for almost two years. So what little pain I feel know I know is just healing pain. The best of luck to you. We are now Chiari free.

That is great news! Wow...You are heading back to work quickly. We are all sending good vibes and prayers your way! :) I had my surgery 5 years ago...and still feel great! No more headaches and got my vision back. Just make sure you take it easy to heal well. It is important. Congrats!

Hope your first day back goes well!! I'll keep you in my thoughts.

Michelle- I'm sure you'll do well. Just be sure to take a few breaks and wear good, shoes! Best wishes! Ellen

Good luck going back to work! Glad to hear you are recovering well!


You are an inspiration. Your kids are very lucky to have such a great teacher. Just remember to be kind to yourself and ask for help when you need it. Asking for help is a sign of strength not weakness and I'm sure so many at your school and home just wish they knew how to help. Let them know and they will gladly chip in. Rest when you can and let us know how you are doing. I am sending you energy love and prayers.....Wendy

I’m glad to hear you’re doing so well this quickly:) That’s awesome! How was your 1st day back to work?

Thank you all so much! They day went well. I walked in and all my cute kids came running and we had a big group hug!. I LOVED it. I was very tired by the time I got home, so I went and laid down on ice. But by this morning I was ready to try it all over again. Send good vibes to all of you you too! Hoping that you all are having a good, pain free day!!!